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作者 Matthew Reilly
THE HOTTEST ACTION WRITER AROUND' EVENING TELEGRAPH THE LATEST ADVENTURE IN THE WILDLY ENTERTAINING, ACTION-PACKED JACK WEST SERIES Former SAS soldier Jack West is on a mission to save the world, no matter what - or who - it might cost him. Still reeling from the loss of his daughter, and with his rivals far ahead of him, Jack must race across the globe to complete the ancient Trial of the Mountains. With the offs already agains them, Jack and his crew will soon discover t 了解更多
原价 RM 59.90

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作者 特里·奥莱利
《让营销更简单》是北美广告教父奥莱利写给广告从业者和广告主的一本战略营销秘籍。 从洞察生意内核,到制定长期战略,再到助推消费,作者用一系列案例和点评帮读者拆解真正的营销之道。本书通过15个章节来阐述广告从业人员要了解的广告基本内核和营销原则,这些秘密可以帮助广告人轻松制作出了不起的营销方案,也能帮你把事业做大做强。 了解更多
原价 RM 48.00

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会员 RM 43.20 (-10%)

作者 Andreas M Antonopoulos
While many books explain the 'how' of Bitcoin, The Internet of Money series delves into the 'why' of Bitcoin. Following the world-wide success of Volume One and Volume Two, this third installment contains 12 of his most inspiring and thought-provoking talks over the past two years, including: Universal Access to Basic FinanceMeasuring Success: Price or PrincipleEscaping the Global Banking CartelLibre Not LibraUnstoppable Code: The Difference Between Can't and Won'tAround the 了解更多
原价 RM 95.60

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作者 提姆·歐萊禮
  「你看待世界的方式,會限制你的視野。   科技帶來的真正機會,是擴展了人類的能力。」-Tim O’Reilly   未來,你的優勢在哪裡?   軟體科技革命教父歐萊禮顛覆你對世界的想像,   公開他如何理解與預測創新潮流的方法   給所有在AI時代力爭上游的人一套全新能力。   掌握開創誘人價值的行動法則,就是你的新機會!   《連線》《金 了解更多
原价 RM 92.40

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会员 RM 83.16 (-10%)

作者 夏鉑坦真仁波切
★亞瑪遜網路書店(Amazon)五顆星評鑑、蟬聯美國亞瑪遜網路書店「宗教、心靈」與「心靈健康」類暢銷排行榜第二名。 ★感動西方世界無數讀者的「日常」心靈生活書! 你,曾安靜享受自己的呼吸嗎? 16個章節不講高深道理,簡單清楚提供我們日常生活指引之道 由外:面對工作、愛情、人群、生死… 至內:自我困境、煩惱、壓力、自由之心… 實踐 了解更多
原价 RM 42.90

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会员 RM 38.61 (-10%)



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