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9th Birthday Sale

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作者 Lawrence McDonald James Robinson
The first investment playbook to make sense of our radically reshaped global economy, with new strategies to get ahead of the market in uncertain times. 'Any investor with skin in the game needs to buy this book.' Niall Ferguson From the Stock Exchange to Westminster, the fantasy of an eventual 'return to normal' is still alive and well. But the economic world as we know it - and the rules that govern it - are over. And few are prepared. Here, market risk expert Lawrence M 了解更多
原价 RM 109.95

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作者 Robin Berzin
Perscription for Happiness offers a 30-day program for reaching a new level of energy, clarity, and calm. Too often, conventional medicine treats the mind as separate from the body. However, science shows that physical issues, such as chronic illness and weight fluctuation, are oftentimes intricately entwined with mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, fatigue, and more. This must-read book explores the new science of optimizing the body in ways that will help any 了解更多
原价 RM 95.90

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作者 Paco de Leon
An illustrated, practical guide to navigating your financial life, no matter your financial situation We are all weird about money. Whether you have a lot or a little, your feelings and beliefs about money have been shaped by a combination of silence (or even shame) around talking about money, personal experiences, family and societal expectations, and a whole big complex system rigged against many of us from the start. Begin with that baseline premise and it's no surprise s 了解更多
原价 RM 79.95

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作者 黄醒荣
如何减低患癌的风险? 癌症有哪些治疗方法? 手术后癌症会复发吗? 癌症是绝症吗? 可以“饿死”癌细胞吗? 这些是许多人心中的疑惑。 在现今社会,每三个人当中,便有一人在其一生当中会罹患癌症。癌症显然已经成为常见疾病,唯有多加认识,才能远离癌症威胁,一旦确诊也可以勇敢面对,接受正确的疗法,对抗癌症。 毫无根据的治疗法,只会让病 了解更多
原价 RM 35.90

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会员 RM 32.31 (-10%)

作者 Wong Seng Weng
How can we reduce our risk of getting cancer? What kind of cancer treatments are there? Will cancer relapse even after surgery? Is cancer a death sentence? Can you “starve” cancer cells to death? These are the questions haunting the minds of many. In this developed society, every one in three people will develop cancer within his or her lifetime. Cancer is now a common disease. Having a better understanding about cancer helps one keep a distance from it. However 了解更多
原价 RM 35.90

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