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原价 RM 14.90

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作者 Judy I. Lin
Uncover the dark past of the celestials in this melodic tale inspired by Chinese mythology and Daphne du Maurier’s Rebecca. Filled with rich imagery and delicate poetry, the Song of the Six Realms will echo long after the tune has ended. Xue, a talented young musician, has no past and probably no future. Orphaned at a young age, her kindly poet uncle took her in and arranged for an apprenticeship at one of the most esteemed entertainment houses in the kingdom. She doesn’ 了解更多
原价 RM 59.90

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会员 RM 53.91 (-10%)

姜雪宁(白鹿饰)曾费尽心机当上皇后,却在宫变中被逼自杀。现在,姜雪宁的梦想就是远离权力,主宰自己的人生。可阴差阳错她还是入宫做了伴读,成为帝师谢危(张凌赫饰)的学生,姜雪宁一边接受谢危的教导,一边暗暗筹谋,想要阻止燕临(周峻纬饰)即将面临的“血冠礼”事件。经过姜雪宁和谢危的运筹帷幄,燕家满门性命得保。血冠礼风波后,姜雪 了解更多
原价 RM 129.90

现售 RM 116.91 (-10%)

会员 RM 110.42 (-15%)

ENGLISH CEFR YEAR 6 follows closely to the topics in the latest English textbook for Year 6. All aspects of language arts learning and thinking skills have been incorporated into the activities in this book. The questions are set and integrated with other subject matter to make learning fun and interesting. Its varied and fun activities strengthen pupils' language and boost their minds. 了解更多
原价 RM 7.50

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会员 RM 6.75 (-10%)

《小状元亲子学习宝华文》  由资深教师根据 最新的课程标准和 DSKP 编写而成。习题适量并 融入 KBAT 和 i-Think 元素,巩固学生对各技能的掌握。 了解更多
原价 RM 7.50

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会员 RM 6.75 (-10%)

BAHASA MELAYU SJKC Tahun 6 100% berteraskan buku teks terbaharu. Kepelbagaian latihan disediakan bertujuan membantu murid mencapai standard pembelajaran dan menguasai kemahiran bahasa. Latihan diterapkan unsur KBAT dan i-THINK bagi merangsang pemikiran berstruktur dan berfokus dalam kalangan murid. Penilaian Akhir Tahun diselitkan bagi menilai pencapaian murid. 了解更多
原价 RM 7.50

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会员 RM 6.75 (-10%)

《小状元亲子学习宝科学》  由资深教师根据最新的课程标准和 DSKP 编写而成。习题适量并融入 KBAT 和 i-Think 元素,巩固学生对各技能的掌握。 了解更多
原价 RM 7.50

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会员 RM 6.75 (-10%)

《小状元亲子学习宝数学》  由资深教师根据最新的课程标准和 DSKP 编写而成。习题适量并融入 KBAT 和 i-Think 元素,巩固学生对各技能的掌握。 了解更多
原价 RM 7.50

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会员 RM 6.75 (-10%)

《小流星系列》将有效协助小朋友建立和加强他们的语文和认知技能。每一本书都是根据教育局所颁布的学前教育课程标准所编写的,内容由浅入深,丰富企鹅多样化,帮助小朋友复习之前所学,轻松应付下一个学段的课程。这一系列是适合在家里或许学校使用辅助教材! 了解更多
原价 RM 6.30

现售 RM 6.30 (-0%)

会员 RM 5.67 (-10%)

作者 Liu Xinwu and Jeremy Tiang
In this sprawling, award-winning novel, celebrated Chinese writer Liu Xinwu cordially invites you to an epic, riotous, and moving neighborhood feast. On a December morning in 1982, the courtyard of a Beijing siheyuan—a lively quadrangle of homes—begins to stir. Auntie Xue’s son Jiyue is getting married today, and she is determined to make the day a triumph. Despite Jiyue’s woeful ignorance in matters of the heart—and the body. Despite a chef in training tasked with 了解更多
原价 RM 61.50

现售 RM 61.50 (-0%)

会员 RM 55.35 (-10%)


《小状元亲子学习宝数学》  由资深教师根据 最新的课程标准和 DSKP 编写而成。习题适量 融入 KBAT 和 i-Think 元素,巩固学生对各技能的掌握。 了解更多
原价 RM 7.50

现售 RM 7.50 (-0%)

会员 RM 6.75 (-10%)

《小状元亲子学习宝数学》  由资深教师根据 最新的课程标准和 DSKP 编写而成。习题适量并融入 KBAT 和 i-Think 元素,巩固学生对各技能的掌握。 了解更多
原价 RM 7.50

现售 RM 7.50 (-0%)

会员 RM 6.75 (-10%)

《小状元亲子学习宝数学》  由资深教师根据 最新的课程标准和 DSKP 编写而成。习题适量并融入 KBAT 和 i-Think 元素,巩固学生对各技能的掌握。 了解更多
原价 RM 7.50

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会员 RM 6.75 (-10%)

《小状元亲子学习宝华文》  由资深教师根据 最新的课程标准和 DSKP 编写而成。习题适量并融入 KBAT 和 i-Think 元素,巩固学生对各技能的掌握。 了解更多
原价 RM 7.50

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会员 RM 6.75 (-10%)

《小状元亲子学习宝华文》  由资深教师根据 最新的课程标准和 DSKP 编写而成。习题适量并融入 KBAT 和 i-Think 元素,巩固学生对各技能的掌握。 了解更多
原价 RM 7.50

现售 RM 7.50 (-0%)

会员 RM 6.75 (-10%)

《小状元亲子学习宝华文》  由资深教师根据 最新的课程标准和 DSKP 编写而成。习题适量并融入 KBAT 和 i-Think 元素,巩固学生对各技能的掌握。 了解更多
原价 RM 7.50

现售 RM 7.50 (-0%)

会员 RM 6.75 (-10%)

《小状元亲子学习宝华文》  由资深教师根据 最新的课程标准和 DSKP 编写而成。习题适量并 融入 KBAT 和 i-Think 元素,巩固学生对各技能的掌握。 了解更多
原价 RM 7.50

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会员 RM 6.75 (-10%)

BAHASA MELAYU SJKC Tahun 2 100% berteraskan buku teks terbaharu. Kepelbagaian latihan disediakan bertujuan membantu murid mencapai standard pembelajaran dan menguasai kemahiran bahasa. Latihan diterapkan unsur KBAT dan i-THINK bagi merangsang pemikiran berstruktur dan berfokus dalam kalangan murid. Penilaian diselitkan bagi menilai pencapaian murid. 了解更多
原价 RM 7.50

现售 RM 7.50 (-0%)

会员 RM 6.75 (-10%)

ENGLISH CEFR YEAR 1 follows closely to the topics in the latest English textbook for Year 1. All aspects of language arts learning and thinking skills have been incorporated into the activities in this book. The questions are set and integrated with other subject matter to make learning fun and interesting. Its varied and fun activities strengthen pupils' language and boost their minds. 了解更多
原价 RM 7.50

现售 RM 7.50 (-0%)

会员 RM 6.75 (-10%)

BAHASA MELAYU SJKC Tahun 1 100% berteraskan buku teks terbaharu. Kepelbagaian latihan disediakan bertujuan membantu murid mencapai standard pembelajaran dan menguasai kemahiran bahasa. Latihan diterapkan unsur KBAT dan i-THINK bagi merangsang pemikiran berstruktur dan berfokus dalam kalangan murid. Penilaian diselitkan bagi menilai pencapaian murid. 了解更多
原价 RM 7.50

现售 RM 7.50 (-0%)

会员 RM 6.75 (-10%)

ENGLISH CEFR YEAR 3 follows closely to the topics in the latest English textbook for Year 3. All aspects of language arts learning and thinking skills have been incorporated into the activities in this book. The questions are set and integrated with other subject matter to make learning fun and interesting. Its varied and fun activities strengthen pupils' language and boost their minds. 了解更多
原价 RM 7.50

现售 RM 7.50 (-0%)

会员 RM 6.75 (-10%)

《小状元亲子学习宝科学》  由资深教师根据 最新的课程标准和 DSKP 编写而成。习题适量并融入 KBAT 和 i-Think 元素,巩固学生对各技能的掌握。 了解更多
原价 RM 7.50

现售 RM 7.50 (-0%)

会员 RM 6.75 (-10%)

《小状元亲子学习宝科学》  由资深教师根据 最新的课程标准和 DSKP 编写而成。习题适量并融入 KBAT 和 i-Think 元素,巩固学生对各技能的掌握。 了解更多
原价 RM 7.50

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会员 RM 6.75 (-10%)

ENGLISH CEFR YEAR 2 follows closely to the topics in the latest English textbook for Year 2. All aspects of language arts learning and thinking skills have been incorporated into the activities in this book. The questions are set and integrated with other subject matter to make learning fun and interesting. Its varied and fun activities strengthen pupils' language and boost their minds. 了解更多
原价 RM 7.50

现售 RM 7.50 (-0%)

会员 RM 6.75 (-10%)

BAHASA MELAYU SJKC Tahun 5 100% berteraskan buku teks terbaharu. Kepelbagaian latihan disediakan bertujuan membantu murid mencapai standard pembelajaran dan menguasai kemahiran bahasa. Latihan diterapkan unsur KBAT dan i-THINK bagi merangsang pemikiran berstruktur dan berfokus dalam kalangan murid. Penilaian Akhir Tahun diselitkan bagi menilai pencapaian murid. 了解更多
原价 RM 7.50

现售 RM 7.50 (-0%)

会员 RM 6.75 (-10%)

《小状元亲子学习宝科学》  由资深教师根据 最新的课程标准和 DSKP 编写而成。习题适量并融入 KBAT 和 i-Think 元素,巩固学生对各技能的掌握。 了解更多
原价 RM 7.50

现售 RM 7.50 (-0%)

会员 RM 6.75 (-10%)

《小状元亲子学习宝数学》  由资深教师根据 最新的课程标准和 DSKP 编写而成。习题适量并 融入 KBAT 和 i-Think 元素,巩固学生对各技能的掌握。 了解更多
原价 RM 7.50

现售 RM 7.50 (-0%)

会员 RM 6.75 (-10%)

BAHASA MELAYU SJKC Tahun 3 100% berteraskan buku teks terbaharu. Kepelbagaian latihan disediakan bertujuan membantu murid mencapai standard pembelajaran dan menguasai kemahiran bahasa. Latihan diterapkan unsur KBAT dan i-THINK bagi merangsang pemikiran berstruktur dan berfokus dalam kalangan murid. Penilaian diselitkan bagi menilai pencapaian murid. 了解更多
原价 RM 7.50

现售 RM 7.50 (-0%)

会员 RM 6.75 (-10%)

《小状元亲子学习宝科学》  由资深教师根据 最新的课程标准和 DSKP 编写而成。习题适量并 融入 KBAT 和 i-Think 元素,巩固学生对各技能的掌握。 了解更多
原价 RM 7.50

现售 RM 7.50 (-0%)

会员 RM 6.75 (-10%)

Shanghai, the present day. In the city’s backstreets is a small, Japanese-style cafe/bar – serving home-cooked Chinese food – that is owned and run by one man (Liang Jiahui). The eaterie opens at midnight and closes at dawn. One of the regulars is Lian (Jin Yanling), a fishmonger, who pretends to get drunk on baijiu and is always arguing with her grown son Kaiyuan (Yang Youning) who, inspired by his best friend, boxer Wang Hu (Jin Shijia), is training for his first matc 了解更多
原价 RM 19.90

现售 RM 19.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 17.91 (-10%)

BAHASA MELAYU SJKC Tahun 4 100% berteraskan buku teks terbaharu. Kepelbagaian latihan disediakan bertujuan membantu murid mencapai standard pembelajaran dan menguasai kemahiran bahasa. Latihan diterapkan unsur KBAT dan i-THINK bagi merangsang pemikiran berstruktur dan berfokus dalam kalangan murid. Penilaian UPSR diselitkan bagi menilai pencapaian murid. 了解更多
原价 RM 6.90

现售 RM 6.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 6.21 (-10%)

HIGH ACHIEVER ENGLISH ACTIVITY + UPSR 2 IN 1 follows closely to the topics in the latest English textbook for Year 4. All aspects of language arts learning and thinking skills have been incorporated into the activities in this book. The questions are set and integrated with other subject matter to make learning fun and interesting. Its varied and fun activities strengthen pupils' language and boost their minds. 了解更多
原价 RM 6.90

现售 RM 6.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 6.21 (-10%)

《小状元亲子学习宝华文》 由资深教师根据 最新的课程标准和 DSKP 编写而成。习题适量并融入 KBAT 和 i-Think 元素,巩固学生对各技能的掌握。 了解更多
原价 RM 6.90

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会员 RM 6.21 (-10%)

《小状元亲子学习宝数学》 由资深教师根据 最新的课程标准和 DSKP 编写而成。习题适量并融入 KBAT 和 i-Think 元素,巩固学生对各技能的掌握。 了解更多
原价 RM 6.90

现售 RM 6.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 6.21 (-10%)

《小状元亲子学习宝科学》 由资深教师根据 最新的课程标准和 DSKP 编写而成。习题适量并融入 KBAT 和 i-Think 元素,巩固学生对各技能的掌握。 了解更多
原价 RM 6.90

现售 RM 6.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 6.21 (-10%)

作者 Xue Ren
Whether plain or with filling, Chinese steamed buns are typically just round. But with some modelling techniques and creativity, along with a palette of colours, Xue Ren, best known as the creator behind these too-cute-to-be-true buns that have taken home bakers by storm, shows how you can transform the simple steamed bun into the stuff of dreams. With a carefully curated collection of designs to cater to every skill level, complete with fully illustrated step-by-step recipe 了解更多
原价 RM 79.90

现售 RM 79.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 71.91 (-10%)

A combination of puzzles and building blocks that allows kids to learn through play! IQ puzzle consists of triangle, square and fan shape puzzles that allow kids to create different items with their own creativity. It comes with a free creative manual and consists of 87 designs featuring numbers, alphabets, animals, objects and so on.. IQ puzzle is an activity set that helps to develop cognitive skills and enhance your kids’ IQ through play 了解更多
原价 RM 29.90

现售 RM 29.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 26.91 (-10%)



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