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作者 Arushi Avachat
Save the Date meets Never Have I Ever in this sparkling debut rom-com about a high school senior whose life suddenly gets a Bollywood spin when her sister gets engaged. Shaadi preparations are in full swing, which means lehenga shopping, taste testing, dance rehearsals, and best of all, Arya’s sister Alina is home. The Khannas are together again, finally, and Arya wants to enjoy it. So she stifles her lingering resentment towards Alina, plays mediator during her sister’s 了解更多
原价 RM 75.90

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作者 Nazri Hamdan
Keadaan ekonomi akan sentiasa naik dan turun mengikut peredaran masa. Keadaan ini kita panggil sebagai kitaran perniagaan. Sebelum tahun 2000, ramai pakar ekonomi percaya bahawa kemelesetan ekonomi akan berlaku setiap 10 tahun. Walau bagaimanapun, keadaan sekarang sangat berbeza. Dalam keadaan sekarang, turun naik ekonomi sukar untuk dijangka. Kemelesetan ekonomi tidak semestinya berlaku setiap 10 tahun. Ia mungkin berlaku kurang daripada itu. Tambahan lagi, ada juga faktor 了解更多
原价 RM 35.00

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作者 Nazrin Nashir
Dalam satu hari, kita dihadapkan dengan seribu satu pilihan. Masa pula bergerak laju, bagaikan mendesak kita untuk membuat keputusan serta-merta. Semua ikhtiar kita lakukan — bertanya rakan dan pakar, juga merujuk artikel — agar tidak salah memilih. Namun, apabila usaha tidak berhasil, kita bingung. Apa yang silap? Mungkin, sewaktu kita mencari bantuan daripada orang lain, kita terlupa bahawa tiada pun yang lebih mengetahui apa yang terbaik selain Allah SWT. Menerusi buku 了解更多
原价 RM 35.00

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作者 Jin Yong
THE CHINESE "LORD OF THE RINGS" - NOW IN ENGLISH FOR THE FIRST TIME. THE SERIES EVERY CHINESE READER HAS BEEN ENJOYING FOR DECADES - 300 MILLION COPIES SOLD. "Western fantasy has JRR Tolkien, but we Asian fantasy authors have Jin Yong's stories in our DNA. The debt we owe him is immeasurable" SHELLEY PARKER-CHAN "If you haven't read Jin Yong's work, you haven't yet fully experienced the fantasy genre" FONDA LEE CHINA , 1237 A.D. Genghis Khan is dead, but the Mongolians, 了解更多
原价 RM 89.90

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作者 Khairul Nazrin Nashir
Pagi: Waktu produktif dan proaktif terbaik yang sangat digalakkan dalam Islam. Betapa banyaknya kehebatan dan saranan yang ditekankan agar kita bangun dan memulakan hari seawal pagi. Sehubungan dengan itu, lahirlah buku ini berlatarkan kisah-kisah motivasi, kajian-kajian saintifik, kata-kata ulama serta ayat-ayat al-Quran dan hadis yang dapat menyuntik semangat kita untuk menjadi morning person yang menjanjikan banyak kelebihan! 了解更多
原价 RM 19.00

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作者 Simon Sebag Montefiore
From the master storyteller and internationally bestselling author - the story of humanity from prehistory to the present day, told through the one thing all humans have in common: family. We begin with the footsteps of a family walking along a beach 950,000 years ago. From here, Montefiore takes us on an exhilarating epic journey through the families that have shaped our world: the Caesars, Medicis and Incas, Ottomans and Mughals, Bonapartes, Habsburgs and Zulus, Rothschild 了解更多
原价 RM 94.90

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作者 Bunda Ary
Rasulullah dan para sahabat menggali parit atau khandak. Ya, mereka membuat parit di sekeliling madinah dengan kedalaman sekitar tiga meter. Lebar parit itu pula adalah melebihi empat meter. Kuda tentera musyrikin pun tidak dapat melintasnya. 了解更多
原价 RM 10.00

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作者 Ayeshah Amani
“When I’m good, I’m good, but when I’m bad, I’m better.” - MAE WEST Dia wanita yang sungguh berani. Sanggup melarikan diri daripada majlis pernikahannya sekaligus menconteng arang ke wajah orang tuanya. Namun, tiada siapa yang tahu di sebalik perwatakannya itu dia hanyalah seorang wanita yang dahagakan perhatian dan kasih sayang. Ibu dan ayahnya berlindung di sebalik nama agama. Mahu dipandang tinggi oleh sekalian makhluk sedangkan di sisi Tuhan,merekalah sejaha 了解更多
原价 RM 27.00

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作者 Priyanka Taslim
To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before meets Pride and Prejudice in this swoony and thoughtful romantic comedy from debut author Priyanka Taslim. Zahra Khan is basically Bangladeshi royalty – but being a princess doesn’t pay the bills in New Jersey. While Zahra plans to save money for college by working through the summer at a tea shop, her meddling mum is convinced that a “good match” in marriage will solve their family’s financial woes. Enter Harun Emon, t 了解更多
原价 RM 65.90

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作者 Khan
原价 RM 107.77

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会员 RM 96.99 (-10%)

作者 Nadia Khan
"The road less traveled really is hard. There's no map, no manual. It's just you trying to figure things out as you go along, all the while hoping you don't lose yourself or your humanity." After suffering from a tragedy, Abby picks up the pieces of her broken self while still being plagued by the consequences of her impulsive actions. But words from the millennial bible – "Adulting is hard" – follow her like a curse as she struggles to not fall into the trap of bad deci 了解更多
原价 RM 24.90

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作者 Sharaf
Kerana bukan semua cerita cinta berakhir dengan sempurna. Dosa yang dilakukan oleh Nawa Safiyya adalah satu sahaja iaitu jatuh cinta dengan Muhammad Feyzal Zavier. Dan lelaki itu, lelaki yang membuatkan Nawa takut untuk jatuh cinta, kembali semula ke dalam hidupnya. Dalam sebuah majlis perkahwinan aturan Butik Blue Tulip, Nawa bertemu dengan Feyzal. Pertemuan Feyzal dengan wanita yang menjelma secara mengejut dan menghilang seperti debu itu selalu bermain di ruang kepala. N 了解更多
原价 RM 27.00

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作者 帕拉格·科納
當疫情過去,人類即將重啟大規模遷徙。 掌握移動力,就能在新時代創造機運、改變命運! 未來我們都將成為一個個的量子人, 在動盪不安的局勢之下,你更該找到自己在世界上的定位與未來方向! 地理是被創造的,我們這個世代將會改寫地圖!   在過去的六萬年中,人類文明反覆出現的特徵是「移動」,是對資源和穩定性的不斷探索。疫情時代一切停 了解更多
原价 RM 70.85

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会员 RM 63.77 (-10%)

作者 Parag Khanna
Where will you live in 2030? Where will your children settle in 2040? What will the map of humanity look like in 2050? Mobility is a recurring feature of human civilisation. Now, as climate change tips toward full-blown crisis, economies collapse, governments destabilise and technology disrupts, we're entering a new age of mass migrations - one that will scatter both the dispossessed and the well-off. Which areas will people abandon and where will they resettle? Which countr 了解更多
原价 RM 72.90

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《第一章》 歐洲戰火一觸即發 : 一場意志力的持久戰 1930年代末,戰爭即將爆發,當時在東京工作的記者中,沒有比德國記者理查.佐爾格(Richard Sorge)關係更好的人了。他的消息來源包括日本首相的顧問尾崎秀實(Hotsumi Ozaki),還有在1938年4月成為德國駐日大使的陸軍武官歐根.奧特(Eugen Ott)上校。奧特會和佐爾格分享德國的情報,佐爾格再協助奧特將日 了解更多
原价 RM 29.00

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作者 Intisar Khanani
I've been cursed, betrayed, and sold into slavery - but the truth I carry can't be allowed to die. Only Rae knows the extent of the corruption at the heart of the kingdom of Menaiya, from the noble lord who betrayed her, to the Circle of Mages whose wards protect the slavers from discovery. Injured and imprisoned on a slave ship, Rae's options are quickly running out. When a desperate escape attempt goes terribly wrong, she finds herself indebted to a terrifying Fae sorceres 了解更多
原价 RM 60.90

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作者 Abdul Latip Talib
Hulagu Khan cucu kepada penakluk ulung Monggol, Gengkhis Khan. Lelaki yang keras dan bercita-cita tinggi. Semua itu datang tepat pada waktunya, semasa umat Islam berpecah dan lalai pada tugas hakiki mereka di dunia. Selepas berjaya menakluk wilayah Lurs, di Iran dan Hashasim, Hulagu Khan menumpukan usaha menakluk Kota Baghdad. Setelah berjaya menumbangkan Khalifah al Musta'sim Billah dan menakluk Kota Baghdad dan menghancurkan peradaban Islam, Hulagu Khan menakluk Damsyik. Ke 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

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作者 Syed Mahadzir Syed Ibrahim
Sehingga kini, suku bangsa yang disebut sebagai Yakjuj dan Makjuj masih menimbulkan kontroversi. Ada yang menyebut bahawa Yakjuj dan Makjuj adalah bangsa Tartardan Mongol, pasukan Gengiz Khan (Hulagu), sejenis makhluk aneh, haiwan dan sebagainya. Dalam sebuah hadis yang diriwayatkan Al-Bukhari, Rasulullah SAW menyebutkan bahawa Yakjuj dan Makjuj itu memiliki fizikal berbadan bulat, bermata sepet dan berkulit kuning. Makhluk yang bernama Yakjuj dan Makjuj ini akan muncul menje 了解更多
原价 RM 38.90

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作者 Jin Yong
China: 1200 A.D. In the fourth and final volume of Legends of the Condor Horoes, the first novel in the Condor Trilogy, Guo Jing is at last forced to make a choice between loyalty to the land of his birth and keeping faith with Genghis Khan, who has been like a father to him. As the Mongol armies descend on China, Jin Yong brings this most beloved of his novels to a thrilling conclusion, complete with vast battles, stirring heroism, heartbreak, triumph and loss. This volume 了解更多
原价 RM 52.90

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作者 Intisar Khanani
I did not choose this fate. But I will not walk away from it. Children have been disappearing from across Menaiya for longer than Amraeya can remember. When her friend's sister is snatched, Rae knows she can't look away any longer - even if that means seeking answers from the royal court, where her country upbringing and clubfoot will only invite ridicule. Yet at court she discovers an ally in the foreign princess, Alyrra, who recruits her as an attendant. So Rae begins to 了解更多
原价 RM 60.90

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Comes in different colours according to availability. Maqdis Word-By-Word Translation & Color Coded Tajweed (Arabic-English) small 5-7/8 x 8-1/4 inch Al-Quran Al-Kareem Maqdis is a translation learning method of word-by-word Al-Quran with every word and sentence is colored differently, in Arabic and English. Every word in the Quran was translated literally so that the reader could understand the meaning of every single word. It needs to be remembered that not all literal tran 了解更多
原价 RM 50.00

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作者 馬可·顏西提 , 卡林·拉哈尼
「破壞式創新正持續扭轉我們所熟悉的產業競爭樣貌。 對於渴望在嶄新商業環境中永續發展的企業領導者, 本書絕對是一本令人信服的必讀之作!」 ―克雷頓.克里斯汀生(Clayton Christensen)   經歷新冠肺炎疫情的衝擊,我們已經沒有拖延的藉口   為求企業永續,數位轉型勢在必行!   ● 領導者該如何帶領企業成功「數位轉型」?   ● 行 了解更多
原价 RM 77.00

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会员 RM 69.30 (-10%)

作者 Jin Yong
THE CHINESE "LORD OF THE RINGS" - NOW IN ENGLISH FOR THE FIRST TIME. THE SERIES EVERY CHINESE READER HAS BEEN ENJOYING FOR DECADES - 300 MILLION COPIES SOLD. "Jin Yong's work, in the Chinese-speaking world, has a cultural currency roughly equal to that of "Harry Potter" and "Star Wars" combined" Nick Frisch, New Yorker "Like every fairy tale you're ever loved, imbued with jokes and epic grandeur. Prepare to be swept along." Jamie Buxton, Daily Mail Guo Jing and Lotus hav 了解更多
原价 RM 79.90

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作者 帕拉格·科納
19世紀,歐洲席捲全球;20世紀,美國領導局勢, 21世紀,世界由亞洲主宰!   ★全球新銳戰略、趨勢觀察家帕拉格‧科納,深入解讀亞洲未來格局   ★收錄專為台灣讀者所撰寫〈給台灣的建言〉,指出台灣如何在亞洲佈局中站穩腳步   ★已發行德、義、荷、日、韓多國版本,長據Amazon暢銷排行榜   ★誠品書局2021年3月中文選書   ◤亞洲小 了解更多
原价 RM 73.90

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作者 Ella Affandy
Mewangi Selamanya Phi Phi Island menjadi saksi pertemuan antara Niq Nashriq dan Nuraisha Iman. Kerana satu insiden, termeterai satu perjanjian. “One week husband, you have nothing to lose.”- Niq Bagi Aisha, itu hanyalah perjanjian. Namun bagi Niq, dia mengharapkan lebih daripada itu. “Cinta pun macam mee segera?”- Aisha “Nikah dulu baru pupuk cinta dan sayang.”- Niq Pada malam terakhir di pulau, mereka saling mengikat dengan harapan akan saling mencari bila pulang 了解更多
原价 RM 26.00

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会员 RM 23.40 (-10%)

This Quran comes in different colors,you will get any which is available. Al-Quran Al-Kareem Maqdis is a translation learning method of word-by-word Al-Quran with every word and sentence is colored differently, in Arabic and English. Every word in the Quran was translated literally so that the reader could understand the meaning of every single word. It needs to be remembered that not all literal translation represents the exact meaning of the word since the Quran uses varied 了解更多
原价 RM 65.00

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会员 RM 58.50 (-10%)

作者 Hadi Fayyadh
Agenda depopulasi manusia, keruntuhan moral, Kebuluran memuncak, pemberontakkan kaum, iklim dan pemanasan global yang kritikal, serta penyembahan dan pendewaan Dajjal berskala mega tersebar bagai dihampar sebuah baldu berduri di seluruh permukaan bumi. Seluruh manusia menyaksikan, Nabi Isa yang di turunkan dari awan, berbicara diantara dua kaki langit, dengan semua bangsa dan bahasa difahami, manusia khusyu' terpegun sedang aku sedar ia hanya sebuah teknologi hologram yang d 了解更多
原价 RM 29.90

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会员 RM 26.91 (-10%)

Ana benar - benar terkelu. Berat sekali tuduhan yang Idah lontarkan buat Ana. Yang paling Ana terkilan, Idah sanggup marakhan ibu. Ana tahu, hati Idah benar - benar panas saat ini. Adakah ungkapan " Gomenasai " mampu menyejukkan hati Idah. 了解更多
原价 RM 12.90

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作者 Khanani Intisar
For Princess Alyrra, choice is a luxury she's never had... until she's betrayed. Princess Alyrra has never enjoyed the security or power of her rank. Between her family's cruelty and the court's contempt, she has spent her life in the shadows. Forced to marry a powerful foreign prince, Alyrra embarks on a journey to meet her betrothed with little hope for a better future. But powerful men have powerful enemies - and now so does Alyrra. Betrayed during a magical attack, her 了解更多
原价 RM 60.90

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会员 RM 54.81 (-10%)

作者 巴努瑪蒂·納拉辛漢
推動世界更美好的力量   印度瑜伽呼吸大師、世界和平使者——古儒德夫 詩麗.詩麗.若威香卡首部傳記   「感謝古儒吉的愛、溫暖與智慧,總是為我們的生活帶來喜悅與歡笑。」——阿米爾.罕(Aamir Khan,印度寶萊塢天王)   「在沉淪恐懼的紛亂裡,何其有幸,能從古儒吉的手中接回了寧靜。」——蔡岳勳(導演)   賣座電影《我和我的 了解更多
原价 RM 64.70

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会员 RM 58.23 (-10%)

作者 Chef Hussin Khan
原价 RM 29.90

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会员 RM 29.90 (-0%)

作者 Afiq & Nazri
原价 RM 8.00

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会员 RM 7.20 (-10%)

Join Mowgli the Man-cub as he embarks on a dangerous journey through the jungle to escape the man-eating tiger Shere Khan. In his attempt to reach the Man-village, Mowgli discovers a whole new way of life when he meets the lovable bear, Baloo. The pair strike up a close friendship but will Mowgli reach the safety of the village before it is too late? 了解更多
原价 RM 19.90

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作者 Ahmad Farkhan Daie
Setelah penghijrahan Nabi SAW ke bumi Madinah. Satu persatu perubahan telah berlaku ke atas bumi bertuah ini. Bumi Madinah yang dahulunya merupakan tanah yang biasa berubah menjadi istimewa asbab daripada penghijrahan Rasulullah SAW. Di sana bermula segalanya, di sana juga terdapat lima tanda syurga. Antaranya adalah Jannatul Baqi'. Kawasan yang menyemadikan kebanyakan para sahabat, para tabiin, dan orang orang yang berjuang untuk agama. Sehingga sekarang Jannat 了解更多
原价 RM 23.00

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会员 RM 20.70 (-10%)

作者 Chef Hussin Khan
原价 RM 29.90

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作者 凱蒂·康恩
  這是一個有待抽絲剝繭的愛情謎團   揪心結局三度翻轉,裝幀設計由你親手裁開書頁揭曉   他和她,誰能活到最後一頁?   ★《時光邊緣的男人》作者大讚:一口氣光速讀完,此書只應天上有!   ★英國媒體盛讚:這故事會先讓你心碎,再以世上最美的方式,在你受傷的心狠踹好幾下。   ☆好萊塢重點瞄準的新穎劇情,改編電影拍攝中    了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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会员 RM 52.65 (-10%)

作者 Wan Nur Najihah
" Kau nak cerai,kan? Aku ceraikan kau dengan talak tiga. Puas hati kau? - NAZRIEL Dan sejak itu dia menutup pintu hatinya serapat mungkin. Percintaan selama 8 tahun akhirnya sia-sia dan perit untuk terima hakikat perkahwinan dengan isteri yang dicintai gagal. Enam tahun bersama anak tunggalnya, hidupnya kembali diuji dengan kehadiran seseorang. "Nasiblah kahwin dengan saya dapat pakej sekali dengan Nufail." - NAZRIEL Bagi Adra tidak mungkin dia mahu menerima lelaki i 了解更多
原价 RM 29.00

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会员 RM 26.10 (-10%)

I couldn't believe it. I, Geronimo Stilton, had to travel back in time to save a friend! Professor Paws von Volt needed my help. He had traveled to the past alone to prove that an artifact in the Egyptian Mouseum was genuine -- and now he was lost in time! My friends and I boarded the professor's newest time machine to go find him, and ended up on a crazy trip through history. We met Cleopatra, Genghis Khan, famouse poet Dante, Queen Elizabeth I, and more. It was a fabumouse 了解更多
原价 RM 62.90

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会员 RM 56.61 (-10%)

作者 Hussin Khan Bin Rahmatullah Khan
原价 RM 29.90

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作者 Saniyasnain Khan
原价 RM 16.90

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作者 Badrul Hisham , Ida Yunus , Meor Farid , Nazri Arshad , Nordin Yahaya , Rafiee Ghani , Siti Noridah , Wazari Wazir
Walaupun Buku Ini Bertajuk "7 Benua", Tetapi Cerita Yang Dipersembahkan Bukanlah Daripada Kesemua Tujuh Benua Yang Ada Di Muka Bumi. Ianya Sekadar Merujuk Kepada Ruangan Bumi Yang Menjadi Destinasi Mana-Mana Pengembara. Semoga Semua Pembaca Terinspirasi Dengan Kisah Dan Ilmu Yang Ingin Dikongsi Di Dalam Buku Ini. 了解更多
原价 RM 25.00

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会员 RM 22.50 (-10%)

作者 Hussin Khan Bin Rahmatullah Khan
原价 RM 29.90

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会员 RM 22.90 (-23%)

作者 Saniyasnain Khan
原价 RM 16.90

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会员 RM 15.21 (-10%)

作者 Saniyasnain Khan
原价 RM 26.90

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会员 RM 24.21 (-10%)

作者 Saniyasnain Khan
原价 RM 16.90

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会员 RM 15.21 (-10%)

作者 Saniyasnain Khan
原价 RM 26.90

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会员 RM 24.21 (-10%)

作者 Jen Malone
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Jen Malone, author of teen novels Wanderlost and Map to the Stars, will take readers to the high seas-literally-in this contemporary YA novel about a girl facing the dissolution of her parents' marriage, a new romance, and self-discovery while sa 了解更多
原价 RM 44.90

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