9th Birthday Sale
9th Birthday Sale

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作者 杜·索托伊
不知道數學怎麼用? 杜.索托伊用故事告訴你!   • 模式捷徑可從過去推得未來,   高斯從舊有資料找出失蹤小行星的位置。   • 圖示捷徑讓數據一目了然,   南丁格爾藉此說服英國女王改善軍方醫療設備。   • 機率捷徑能有效管理風險,   股神索普用來少量投資賺取超額報酬。   數學是一種高層次的思維能力,當中充滿捷徑,   可 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

现售 RM 69.30 (-0%)

会员 RM 62.37 (-10%)

作者 Marcus du Sautoy
How do you remember more and forget less? How can you earn more and become more creative just by moving house? And how do you pack a car boot most efficiently? This is your shortcut to the art of the shortcut. Mathematics is full of better ways of thinking, and with over 2,000 years of knowledge to draw on, Oxford mathematician Marcus du Sautoy interrogates his passion for shortcuts in this fresh and fascinating guide. After all, shortcuts have enabled so mu 了解更多
原价 RM 65.00

现售 RM 65.00 (-0%)

会员 RM 58.50 (-10%)

作者 Marcus Buckingham
World-renowned researcher and New York Times bestselling author Marcus Buckingham helps us discover where we're at our best-both at work and in life. You've long been told to "Do what you love." Sounds simple, but the real challenge is how to do this in a world not set up to help you. Most of us actually don't know the real truth of what we love-what engages us and makes us thrive-and our workplaces, jobs, schools, even our parents, are focused instead on making us conform. 了解更多
原价 RM 131.95

现售 RM 131.95 (-0%)

会员 RM 118.76 (-10%)

作者 Marcus , Gary
Despite the hype surrounding AI, creating an intelligence that rivals or exceeds human levels is far more complicated than we are led to believe. Professors Gary Marcus and Ernest Davis have spent their careers at the forefront of AI research and have witnessed some of the greatest milestones in the field, but they argue that a computer winning in games like Jeopardy and go does not signal that we are on the doorstep of fully autonomous cars or superintelligent machines. The 了解更多
原价 RM 99.00

现售 RM 89.10 (-10%)

会员 RM 79.20 (-20%)

作者 馬可斯·奧理略·安東尼努斯
  影響西方文化兩千年的傳世經典,最完整台灣新譯   一代賢帝的立身處世之道   欲成大器者必讀之書   J. K. 羅琳:「奧理略(本書作者)從來沒讓我失望。」   美國前總統柯林頓:「這是影響我最大的一本書,也是我一讀再讀的好書。」   Google、特斯拉等矽谷企業一致奉行的人生哲學   名列美國前總統柯林頓的最愛書單   老羅斯福赴 了解更多
原价 RM 46.20

现售 RM 46.20 (-0%)

会员 RM 41.58 (-10%)



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