9th Birthday Sale
9th Birthday Sale

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作者 蜜樹海湖
時間之神卡伊洛斯策劃了一樁牽連過去與未來的陰謀,為了保護地上世界不受其害,成為教皇的希歐便挑戰這場最後的決戰!!此外,本書更收錄了夢幻短篇「尤茲莉哈外傳」!!牡羊座與時間之神的因緣即將劃下句點!!而故事也會朝著未來繼續編織下去!! 了解更多
原价 RM 15.00

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作者 張季雅
以細膩的畫風,栩栩如生描繪出19世紀中葉台灣的人文與自然風貌。 描寫台灣烏龍茶之父英商陶德與大稻埕名人李春生,如何將烏龍茶推廣至世界的傳奇故事 讓生於茶農之家的作者,帶您進入產茶、製茶、品茶的迷人世界。 蘇格蘭商人 陶德&廈門買辦 李春生 臺灣烏龍茶風靡全球的傳奇之旅! 在臺灣尚未以烏龍茶著稱之時, 清國各大港口,停滿了許多帆船。 了解更多
原价 RM 29.00

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作者 Emma Törzs
NAMED A NEW YORK TIMES NOTABLE BOOK OF THE YEAR & ONE OF THE BEST FANTASY NOVELS OF THE YEAR “Astonishing and pristine, the kind of debut I love to be devastated by, already so assured and sophisticated that it’s difficult to imagine where the author can go from here. . . . It’s simply a delight from start to finish.” – AMAL EL-MOHTAR, New York Times Book Review “Follow where this novel leads and you will be lost in a bewitching spell, a book of magic about bo 了解更多
原价 RM 65.95

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会员 RM 52.76 (-20%)

Notes and activity book for primary school 了解更多
原价 RM 5.50

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作者 POP Bazic
Popular house brand Fashion series - button documents bag. Great for filing unpunched papers, receipt or stationery. Size: A5 Colour available: Blue / Pink / Green / Cream 了解更多
原价 RM 3.90

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会员 RM 3.51 (-10%)

Join Geronimo Stilton and his friends on a vacation to Port Cookie Dough that takes an unexpected turn due to water pollution. Follow their exciting journey as they work together to solve the problem. In this fun-filled adventure, they fight pollution and learn the importance of protecting our oceans and its creatures. 了解更多
原价 RM 30.90

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会员 RM 27.81 (-10%)


作者 武井宏 , JET草村
在黑手黨當道的城市裡居住的少女,瑪莉歐。   討厭爭執的瑪莉,痛恨自己是黑手黨家人的這份命運,但仍然還是和溫柔的母親,以及願意陪伴在自己這個通靈人身邊的東尼,一起過著和平情境的生活。   然而,瑪莉的能力卻讓她看見家族的死期。   儘管試圖對抗悲劇,黑手黨的鬥爭卻仍舊越演越烈,最後,噩夢的一天還是開始了。   接受命運, 了解更多
原价 RM 23.00

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作者 尾田榮一郎
奪走父親大熊記憶的薩圖恩聖突然現身!得知一切真相的波妮憤怒拿刀刺向他!然而攻擊卻無效,陷入死亡危機,此時眼前出現難以置信的一幕…!一場爭奪「ONE PIECE」的海上冒險故事! 了解更多
原价 RM 19.00

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作者 甲本一
在神覺者最終測驗途中,無邪的淵源(INNOCENT ZERO)與   5兄弟的長男杜烏姆突然現身!馬修與實力遠勝的杜烏姆對峙,   身體卻突然出現了神秘的異變……?   「始源之杖」被奪,神覺者最終測驗也暫時中斷,   無邪的淵源(INNOCENT ZERO)發動的世界末日時刻逼近!   在即將到來的最終決戰前,馬修、蘭斯與多德   為了得到新力量,分別採用各自 了解更多
原价 RM 19.00

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After 70 years, open the next chapter of record breaking! Filled with thousands of awesome facts and feats for the whole family, this year's edition celebrates Guinness World Records' 70th anniversary. Learn how record breaking has changed over the years and what incredible looks like in 2025. Celebrate the ICONS that shaped our world from Taylor Swift to the Tallest Man Ever. Discover the next generation of record breakers... and how you can become one, with a dedicated KIDS 了解更多
原价 RM 109.90

现售 RM 87.90 (-20%)

会员 RM 87.90 (-20%)

Countdown the top 100 greatest gaming world records! The Gamer’s Edition is back and bursting with new trivia, facts and stats. Discover the highest scores, fastest speedruns and biggest collectors across every major game, console, character and developer. From Minecraft to Fortnite, Mario Kart and more, our experts and record researchers select and rank the very best records from your favourite games. Review the last year in gaming with a rundown of the biggest winners at 了解更多
原价 RM 69.90

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会员 RM 62.91 (-10%)


作者 周慕姿
為什麼我們因為愛、因為在乎與珍視對方, 於是很努力付出的關係,卻讓我們走到懸崖邊? 當我們狂call戀人、查勤, 當我們時刻想知曉孩子的行蹤, 當我們很在意他人的看法, 我們總說:「那是因為在乎,因為愛。」 但,那不是愛,那是根深柢固的不安全感。 你的愛,被「不安全感」剪翼了? 你在關係裡,被「不安全感」綁架了? 安全感的匱乏,像是 了解更多
原价 RM 65.20

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会员 RM 58.68 (-10%)


作者 Julia Quinn 
The fourth book in Julia Quinn's globally bestselling, Regency-set, Bridgerton Family series, now the inspiration for the Netflix series Bridgerton created by Shondaland. Welcome to Colin and Penelope's long-awaited story . . . ................................ Everyone knows that Colin Bridgerton is the most charming man in London . . . Penelope Featherington has secretly adored her best friend's brother for . . . well, it feels like forever. After half a lifetime of watchi 了解更多
原价 RM 69.90

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会员 RM 62.91 (-10%)

作者 Elsie Silver
Small-town, big characters, four addictive love stories . . . meet the single dads of Rose Hill's recreational bowling team. Perfect for fans of steamy TikTok romance, Lucy Score, and Elsie's smash hit Chestnut Springs series. ____ She's been driving him wild for years . . . the good kind of wild. The kind of wild that comes with wanting your best friend's little sister and knowing you can't have her. Forbes may have labeled Ford Grant the World's Hottest Billionaire, but 了解更多
原价 RM 69.90

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会员 RM 62.91 (-10%)

作者 Arushi Avachat
Save the Date meets Never Have I Ever in this sparkling debut rom-com about a high school senior whose life suddenly gets a Bollywood spin when her sister gets engaged. Shaadi preparations are in full swing, which means lehenga shopping, taste testing, dance rehearsals, and best of all, Arya’s sister Alina is home. The Khannas are together again, finally, and Arya wants to enjoy it. So she stifles her lingering resentment towards Alina, plays mediator during her sister’s 了解更多
原价 RM 75.90

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会员 RM 68.31 (-10%)

作者 博多.薛弗
  從26歲的破產者到30歲財富自由   全球知名金錢教練、「歐洲巴菲特」博多.薛弗   帶你超越逆境,鑄造心態格局,找到成功致富的祕密   ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※   一個破產的人,怎能在短短4年內實現財富自由?   風靡全歐洲的金錢教練博多.薛弗說,   有一樣東西可以區分富人和窮人、贏家和輸 了解更多
原价 RM 71.70

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会员 RM 64.53 (-10%)


Join Geronimo on his fourth trip to the Kingdom of Fantasy!I, Geronimo Stilton, was astonished to find myself in the Kingdom of Fantasy for the fourth time. Sterling, the Princess of the Silver Dragons, needed my help! The last existing dragon egg had been stolen from Sterling. If that egg was destroyed, dragons would become extinct forever! I couldn't let that happen. So my friends and I set out across enchanted lands to find the egg and restore peace to the Kingdom of Fanta 了解更多
原价 RM 52.90

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会员 RM 47.61 (-10%)


Fairies, dragons, wizards, and more await Geronimo on every magical Kingdom of Fantasy adventure! Fairies, dragons, wizards, and more await Geronimo on every magical Kingdom of Fantasy adventure!I, Geronimo Stilton, was called to the Kingdom of Fantasy for the ninth time! Blossom, Queen of the Fairies, had disappeared, along with three powerful magical objects: The Book of a Thousand Spells, the Crystal Sphere, and the Whispering Wand. If those objects ended up in the wrong 了解更多
原价 RM 52.90

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会员 RM 47.61 (-10%)


Fairies, dragons, wizards, and more await Geronimo on every magical Kingdom of Fantasy adventure! Fairies, dragons, wizards, and more await Geronimo on every magical Kingdom of Fantasy adventure!I, Geronimo Stilton, was called to the Kingdom of Fantasy for the tenth time! A fairy princess had called me there. She needed my help: The most powerful and dangerous wizard in the realm wanted to capture her -- and conquer the entire kingdom!The wizard was hunting for special magic 了解更多
原价 RM 52.90

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会员 RM 47.61 (-10%)


作者 乍藤和樹 , 佐賀崎しげる/鍋島テツヒロ
「為什麼啊!我們都想見到師傅揮舞那把劍的身影啊!」與冠名魔獸「異形灰陽」展開一場死鬥而失去佩劍的貝利爾,跟如今已成為鐵匠的昔日弟子.巴魯迪爾重逢。巴魯迪爾表示自己已受蘇蕾娜所託,準備以「異形灰陽的鉤爪」替貝利爾打造一把新劍。貝利爾原本婉拒了這個提議,但最後還是被巴魯迪爾的熱忱打動,進而決定收下那把新劍作為自己的佩劍。緊 了解更多
原价 RM 24.00

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作者 鬼ノ城ミヤ
費里歐一家誕生了雙胞胎,分別是姊姊‧愛里娜莎、弟弟‧嘉利爾。牙狼族的成長速度很快,姊弟兩人已經成長到了大約人族十歲的狀態。這樣的費里歐一家收到了新的委託。那就是擔任休假兼偷偷視察的女王的護衛。一行人再次前往以求子溫泉聞名的奇諾薩基溫泉,變得愈來愈熱鬧的大家庭一起享受了旅行的樂趣。另一方面,魔王‧尤加多因為怎麼打都打不完 了解更多
原价 RM 37.50

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会员 RM 33.75 (-10%)

作者 相庭健太 ,臼井儀人
有一天新之助帶小白出去散步時,超級英雄宇宙本部的工作人員誤將小白變成了英雄,只好將錯就錯,慫恿小白根據情報,去找具有龐大力量的骨骨骨骨頭,傳送回超級英雄宇宙本部。然而每次出任務,總是會遇到企圖成為世界大總統的德卡普從中阻撓,雙方較勁一波後,最後小白拿到骨骨骨骨頭,要傳送時才發現不是真貨而引發爆炸…… 了解更多
原价 RM 17.00

现售 RM 15.30 (-10%)

会员 RM 15.30 (-10%)

作者 枢やな
千萬不能忘記! 菲尼和SNAKE造訪東邊新設立的兒童養護院。迎接他們的,是和兩人緣份不淺的人物。這次的見面為進行作戰帶來了混亂。 曾經集結、獲得同伴的可憐少女的小小夢想,因深紅色的業火而破滅、破滅。 為您為送全世界怨念最深的執事漫畫… 了解更多
原价 RM 19.00

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会员 RM 17.10 (-10%)

作者 阿部司 , 山田鐘人
「葬送的芙莉蓮」第一本全彩畫集,內容不但包含到單行本第11集為止的彩色插圖,還有畫師アベツカサ特別繪製的2個插圖,再加上之前所有放上X〈前推特〉跟芙莉蓮這部作品有關的插圖!再次重溫這部作品的奇幻世界吧。 讀者們能夠欣賞到跟雜誌連載時相同大小的原寸彩圖,絕對是喜歡「葬送的芙莉蓮」的讀者書架上不可或缺的珍藏。 了解更多
原价 RM 70.00

现售 RM 63.00 (-10%)

会员 RM 63.00 (-10%)

作者 石塚真一
 ★榮獲第62屆小學館漫畫獎、第20屆日本文化廳媒體藝術祭漫畫部門大獎、2016漫畫大獎第三名殊榮的爵士音樂神作★   ☆劇場版動畫全臺熱血獻映☆   ★各界樂手、音樂家、教育家激推盛讚「最能激勵新手愛上音樂的漫畫」★   ☆專業音樂媒體「爵式WiJazz」監修☆   身為音樂人,《BLUE GIANT》是你絕對不可錯過的爵士音樂神作,   不是音樂人, 了解更多
原价 RM 23.00

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作者 夏洛特.福斯.韋伯
明知他不適合,還是繼續跟他在一起? 為了工作付出一切,才能證明自我價值? 我們之所以痛苦,是因為想要的太多, 卻不知道自己真正想要的是什麼。 ──了解你的欲望,才能活出真實自我──   家境富裕、生活美滿的社交名媛泰莎,臨終前才承認自己說了一生的謊言;已婚的傑克必須透過花錢找伴遊,才能維繫自己的婚姻;遭到約會強暴的亞絲翠, 了解更多
原价 RM 78.25

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会员 RM 70.43 (-10%)


作者 板垣太朗
女孩必讀! ◢ 史上第一本渣男圖鑑 ◣ 「總讓你覺得怪怪的……」那個男人真面目大揭露! 用漫畫、插圖、精準的文字,徹底解說71種渣男的特徵 只要看完這本書── 就能明白自己心中那股不對勁感是怎麼回事了!   ▌當男人說出這種話的時候就要小心了!   「我很喜歡你,但現在還不能跟你交往」(空口說白話,沒有任何具體表示)   「我絕對 了解更多
原价 RM 58.70

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会员 RM 52.83 (-10%)


作者 刘怡廷
吉安王子的爷爷突然紧急召他和李维奥回意大利。尽管爷爷已经退下来了,但仍是整个王族中权力最大的人,连现任国王也得听命于他。爷爷向来都不看重吉安王子,只关心他同父异母的哥哥。这次,爷爷召吉安王子回国是为了协助哥哥的计划。究竟他能不能顺利完成爷爷所委派的任务,并让爷爷改观呢? 了解更多
原价 RM 16.00

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会员 RM 14.40 (-10%)


作者 山本智
喜劇演員寶可夢.踏冰人偶成為創人的同行寶可夢,   命名為冰杖客。此時有雙人組意圖奪取索妮亞   拍攝的影像資料,出手攻擊。   自稱名流的他們究竟有什麼目的!?   同時闇夜終於逼近伽勒爾地區…!!! 本書特色   改編自超人氣電玩遊戲「寶可夢 劍/盾」。   以遊戲世界觀為背景,描繪出精采的故事與對戰! 了解更多
原价 RM 17.00

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作者 POP Bazic
Popular house brand paper clip offer pack - silver / zebra / colour Size available : 28mm X 100 pieces 32mm X 100 pieces 25mm X 100 pieces 31mm X 100 pieces 33mm X 100 pieces 50mm X 50 pieces 33mm X 80 pieces 50mm X 40 pieces 了解更多
原价 RM 2.99

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作者 POP Bazic
Popular house brand paper clip offer pack - silver / zebra / colour Size available : 28mm X 100 pieces 32mm X 100 pieces 25mm X 100 pieces 31mm X 100 pieces 33mm X 100 pieces 50mm X 50 pieces 33mm X 80 pieces 50mm X 40 pieces 了解更多
原价 RM 2.99

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作者 POP Bazic
Popular house brand paper clip offer pack - silver / zebra / colour Size available : 28mm X 100 pieces 32mm X 100 pieces 25mm X 100 pieces 31mm X 100 pieces 33mm X 100 pieces 50mm X 50 pieces 33mm X 80 pieces 50mm X 40 pieces 了解更多
原价 RM 2.99

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作者 POP Bazic
Popular house brand paper clip offer pack - silver / zebra / colour Size available : 28mm X 100 pieces 32mm X 100 pieces 25mm X 100 pieces 31mm X 100 pieces 33mm X 100 pieces 50mm X 50 pieces 33mm X 80 pieces 50mm X 40 pieces 了解更多
原价 RM 2.99

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作者 POP Bazic
Popular house brand paper clip offer pack - silver / zebra / colour Size available : 28mm X 100 pieces 32mm X 100 pieces 25mm X 100 pieces 31mm X 100 pieces 33mm X 100 pieces 50mm X 50 pieces 33mm X 80 pieces 50mm X 40 pieces 了解更多
原价 RM 2.99

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作者 POP Bazic
Popular house brand paper clip offer pack - silver / zebra / colour Size available : 28mm X 100 pieces 32mm X 100 pieces 25mm X 100 pieces 31mm X 100 pieces 33mm X 100 pieces 50mm X 50 pieces 33mm X 80 pieces 50mm X 40 pieces 了解更多
原价 RM 2.99

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作者 POP Bazic
Popular house brand paper clip offer pack - silver / zebra / colour Size available : 28mm X 100 pieces 32mm X 100 pieces 25mm X 100 pieces 31mm X 100 pieces 33mm X 100 pieces 50mm X 50 pieces 33mm X 80 pieces 50mm X 40 pieces 了解更多
原价 RM 2.99

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作者 S. Jae-Jones
Sailor Moon meets Cinder in Guardians of Dawn: Zhara, the start of a new, richly imagined fantasy series from S. Jae-Jones, the New York Times bestselling author of Wintersong. Magic flickers. Love flames. Chaos reigns. They say that when the world is out of balance the Guardians of Dawn are reborn. Jin Zhara’s life was already full with appeasing her stepmother’s cruel whims, looking after her blind younger sister, and keeping her magic secret from those who would kil 了解更多
原价 RM 59.50

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会员 RM 53.55 (-10%)

作者 蘇乙笙
有一種失去, 是我曾經擁有你。 這樣的全糖我可以!重新初戀,重新遇見蘇乙笙。 加筆萬字,經典再現《你是時光最浪漫的解藥》的念念與不忘。 你若在,時光便安好, 我的歲月,也不再可惜。   ✴當時光是 綻放   就算整個天空只是愛上一顆星星,   也讓每一次的抬頭,都有了意義。   心很小,只夠裝進彼此,   長長的人生,也 了解更多
原价 RM 61.80

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会员 RM 49.00 (-21%)

作者 Misa
雨過終將天晴,我們的心一樣會被治癒, 如同多年後我再次遇見妳…… 繼《初戀販賣所》, 青春愛情教主Misa獻給妳最痛也最美的愛情故事! 超人氣繪師Ooi Choon Liang Ooi 繪製唯美書封插畫! 特別收錄作者序!   心聲販賣所,是從夢境中進入的一片水域,可深可淺的水,代表著你的內心狀態。一旦進入販賣所,夢醒後就能聽見在意之人的內心話。然而你 了解更多
原价 RM 52.15

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会员 RM 46.94 (-10%)


PAW PATROL double zipper backpack 34*31*10cm. Material: 300D polyster. Water bottle sleeves on both side. Padded adjustable shoulder straps. 1 small internal compartment. 2 designs available for selection. 了解更多
原价 RM 47.90

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会员 RM 43.11 (-10%)

PAW PATROL double zipper backpack 34*31*10cm. Material: 300D polyster. Water bottle sleeves on both side. Padded adjustable shoulder straps. 1 small internal compartment. 2 designs available for selection. 了解更多
原价 RM 47.90

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会员 RM 43.11 (-10%)

作者  Indra Nooyi
The inspiring memoir by Indra Nooyi, the trailblazing former CEO of PepsiCo 'A must-read for working women and the men who work with us, love us and support us' Hillary Rodham Clinton 'Surprising and compelling' Financial Times The first woman of colour and immigrant to run a Fortune 50 company - and one of the foremost strategic thinkers of our time - Indra Nooyi redefined what it means to be an exceptional leader. She transformed PepsiCo with a unique vision, a vigorous 了解更多
原价 RM 88.90

现售 RM 88.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 71.12 (-20%)

作者 謝宜安
  ◎ 殖民時代的跨種族戀愛故事,權力與情感之間的角力翻轉。   ◎ 浪漫愛情陷入國族與性別的掙扎,又愛又恨,身不由己也己不由身,既虐且精彩。   ◎ 以虛構的小說進入歷史,期待在愁苦與被忽略的縫隙中,許願一個更好版本的故事。   妳走得太過前面,當時還沒有人來得及理解,妳是這島嶼命運的隱喻   《可愛的仇人》是被設定包裝成一 了解更多
原价 RM 61.95

现售 RM 61.95 (-0%)

会员 RM 55.76 (-10%)


作者 萬維鋼
「精英日課」重磅講者最新力作! 萬維鋼親臨矽谷,與AI領域第一線專家面對面交流瞬息萬變的資訊, 從AI技術與應用的底層邏輯出發,完成這本在AI時代發揮優勢的生存手冊, 陪你理解AI,適應AI,駕馭AI! 你,要比AI凶。 使用AI,你作主。 ※收錄萬維鋼老師手寫勉勵詩:送給面對AI時代的讀者 站在AI即將顛覆世界的轉折點上,你該怎麼辦? AI 正在以超越我 了解更多
原价 RM 81.35

现售 RM 81.35 (-0%)

会员 RM 73.22 (-10%)


作者 小野壯彥
★ 全球最大獵才公司億康先達的祕傳智慧首度公開! ★ 面試、考評、銷售(判斷對方意願)、商業合作(判斷對方誠信)、交友(閃避渣男渣女)都適用! \\看人不是靠sense,識人眼光是可以訓練的!// \\獵才專家教你用科學方法看對人、用對人!// 識人,對公司發展或個人生涯都有莫大影響! 然而,很多人都是靠經驗法則,或是憑直覺。 其實 了解更多
原价 RM 58.70

现售 RM 58.70 (-0%)

会员 RM 52.83 (-10%)


作者 佐藤綾子
一個人能力再好、準備再多, 但決定印象好壞的關鍵, 其實,是開口的第一句話! 日本表達心理學權威、百萬暢銷作家 成功指導超過4萬名一流主管、56位國會議員, 就連日本前首相也是學員! ※本書附有QR Code下載「10秒提升好感度的表達準則精華」※   ►分秒必爭的時代,溝通更要快狠準   現代人工作忙碌,要處理各種大小事,   在時間有限的 了解更多
原价 RM 61.95

现售 RM 61.95 (-0%)

会员 RM 55.76 (-10%)


作者 Alexandra Elle
In this Amazon #1 bestseller, celebrated self-care storyteller Alexandra Elle delivers 15 lessons on how|to|overcome|obstacles,|build|confidence,|and|cultivate abundance. Part memoir and part guide, Elle shares stirring stories from her own remarkable journey from self-doubt to selflove. This soulful collection is filled with illuminating reflections on loss, fear, bravery, healing, love, acceptance, and more. Readers follow along her journey as she transforms challenging exp 了解更多
原价 RM 55.00

现售 RM 55.00 (-0%)

会员 RM 49.50 (-10%)

Join Geronimo Stilton as he discovers the secret life of bees through his friend Isabel, the beekeeper. When the bees reveal a troubling truth about the air, Geronimo, along with his nephew Benjamin and niece Trappy, sets out on a mission to save the planet. In this fun and exciting journey, they learn that small actions, like riding bikes and saving electricity, can make a big difference. 了解更多
原价 RM 30.90

现售 RM 30.90 (-0%)

会员 RM 27.81 (-10%)

作者 周冠男
投資0050超過20年,資產成長至少5倍 頂尖財金學者周冠男 首次公開長期不敗的理財策略   沒有錢怎麼投資?   沒有時間研究股票或金融商品,怎麼投資?   想退休又覺得自己錢不夠?   以上問題,都有解。   深耕25年行為財務學術理論及投資實證經驗,   解析常見的投資行為偏誤,   分析股票、債券、基金、期貨、選擇權、虛擬資產及房地 了解更多
原价 RM 73.35

现售 RM 73.35 (-0%)

会员 RM 66.02 (-10%)


作者 Amelia Diane Coombs
Hacks gets a romantic twist in the vein of Jenn Bennett in this “simmering” (Publishers Weekly) novel about a standoffish teen girl whose loner status gets challenged by a dynamic elderly woman and a perpetually cheerful boy. Eloise Deane is the worst and doesn’t care who knows it. She’s grumpy, prefers to be alone, and is just slogging through senior year with one goal: get accepted to USC and move to California. So when her guidance counselor drops the bombshell th 了解更多
原价 RM 72.50

现售 RM 72.50 (-0%)

会员 RM 65.25 (-10%)

作者 安里アサト
【特裝版內容收錄】   ●本集小說With特別設計書衣   ●兩用手機架(尺寸:L16cm×W14cm)   ●布掛畫(含組裝桿)(尺寸:L50cm×W30cm)   ★榮登「這本輕小說真厲害!2018」新作排名第1、綜合排名第2!   ★話題持續延燒的第23屆電擊小說大賞「大賞」得獎作!   ★系列作品累積銷售突破200萬冊!   ★動畫化超人氣系列,推出命運的第13集!    了解更多
原价 RM 156.00

现售 RM 139.00 (-11%)

会员 RM 139.00 (-11%)

FOLDERMATE popgear 915 series is composed of composite materials of transparent Nylon at the front and water-repellent polyester at the back. The design presents a light, bright, and vibrant appearance, adding a lovely touch to your life. See-through Nylon front panel allows you to access objects easily. '-Material: Polyester, Nylon -Dimensions: 28.4×34.7×8.5cm - Available Colours: yellow,pink,blue -Lining water repellent -Feature a convenient shoulder strip for easy car 了解更多

原价 RM 29.90

现售 RM 26.91 (-10%)

会员 RM 20.93 (-30%)

FOLDERMATE popgear 915 series is composed of composite materials of transparent Nylon at the front and water-repellent polyester at the back. The design presents a light, bright, and vibrant appearance, adding a lovely touch to your life. See-through Nylon front panel allows you to access objects easily. '-Material: Polyester, Nylon -Dimensions: 28.4×34.7×8.5cm - Available Colours: yellow,pink,blue -Lining water repellent -Feature a convenient shoulder strip for easy car 了解更多

原价 RM 29.90

现售 RM 26.91 (-10%)

会员 RM 20.93 (-30%)

FOLDERMATE popgear 915 series is composed of composite materials of transparent Nylon at the front and water-repellent polyester at the back. The design presents a light, bright, and vibrant appearance, adding a lovely touch to your life. See-through Nylon front panel allows you to access objects easily. '-Material: Polyester, Nylon -Dimensions: 28.4×34.7×8.5cm - Available Colours: yellow,pink,blue -Lining water repellent -Feature a convenient shoulder strip for easy car 了解更多

原价 RM 29.90

现售 RM 26.91 (-10%)

会员 RM 20.93 (-30%)

FOLDERMATE popgear 890 collection is minimalist – clear cover and white accessories.A style of pureand true. 890 Non-toxic PVC fabric had been tested by third party inspection, give consumers peace of mind.. • Carry Pouch 890 series • Material: Non‐toxic PVC fabric • Size: ‐Vertical, 28Wx34Hx6.5D CM ‐Landscape, 35Wx24Hx6.5D CM • Feature a convenient shoulder strip for easy carrying. * the tote bag with a convenient inner pocket, for placing small objects * wa 了解更多

原价 RM 19.90

现售 RM 17.91 (-10%)

会员 RM 13.93 (-30%)

FOLDERMATE popgear 890 collection is minimalist – clear cover and white accessories.A style of pureand true. 890 Non-toxic PVC fabric had been tested by third party inspection, give consumers peace of mind.. • Carry Pouch 890 series • Material: Non‐toxic PVC fabric • Size: ‐Vertical, 28Wx34Hx6.5D CM ‐Landscape, 35Wx24Hx6.5D CM • Feature a convenient shoulder strip for easy carrying. * the tote bag with a convenient inner pocket, for placing small objects * wa 了解更多

原价 RM 19.90

现售 RM 17.91 (-10%)

会员 RM 13.93 (-30%)

作者 BTS
The album comes with: 1. Package Box 2. CD-R Sleeve (1ea) 3. CD-R (1ea) 4. Photobook (88pgs) (1ea) 5. Muse Card Set (7ea = 1 set) (1 set) 6. Folded Poster (1ea) 7. Instant Photo (1ea) (Random 1 out of 3) 8. Coaster (1ea) 9. Sticker Pack (1ea) 10. Photocard (1ea) *All your buying from us wil be reflected on Hanteo & Circle Chart. *Subject to actual product content. 了解更多
原价 RM 156.00

现售 RM 140.40 (-10%)

会员 RM 132.60 (-15%)

GODZILLA THE MOVIE The last summer of the 20th Century. That day, the human beings learn that they are not the only ruler of the planet Earth. The appearance of the giant living creatures “Kaiju's” and the ultimate existence that destroys all monsters: Godzilla. Through the battle against kaiju's that lasted for half a century, human beings has experienced continuous defeat, and finally plans to escape from the Earth. And in 2048, only those who were selected by the A.I. 了解更多
原价 RM 29.90

现售 RM 26.91 (-10%)

会员 RM 23.92 (-20%)

〈海南Escape──不是被流放,而是自主流浪!〉 海南,你別急,自然有人愛著不是那麼完美的你。採訪期間所遇闖海人,追求的更多是海南的太陽與大海。朝海的方向一路皆晴,本著倚水而生的天性,沿海南環島高鐵東環線走一遭,駐足文青地標或歷史古蹟,品評街頭小吃或高級酒店,蒐羅海南的奇奇怪怪與可可愛愛。 ◎寫一首關於流放的詩篇/島民Talks ■三 了解更多
原价 RM 13.00

现售 RM 13.00 (-0%)

会员 RM 13.00 (-0%)

我對「劈哩劈哩」(Biri Biri,就是火)最早的記憶,來自我六歲的時候。一陣淡淡的煙味徘徊不去,從外面雨中飄來。我在一棟用鐵皮浪板和木材搭建的開放式屋子裡,坐在老舊沙發上聽保姆說故事。我看著她用燒灌木的爐子煮東西,爐子是用與屋子同樣的鐵皮和木材做成的,到今天我仍聽著同樣的木材劈啪作響。世界遺產昆士蘭省溼熱帶雨林位於澳洲東北部廣 了解更多
原价 RM 45.00

现售 RM 45.00 (-0%)

会员 RM 45.00 (-0%)

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