9th Birthday Sale
9th Birthday Sale

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' H.P. Lovecraft '找到 7 件相关商品
作者 Kelly Mcwilliams
A thrilling gothic horror novel about biracial twin sisters separated at birth, perfect for fans of Lovecraft Country and The Vanishing Half As infants, twin sisters Charlie Yates and Magnolia Heathwood were secretly separated after the brutal lynching of their parents, who died for loving across the color line. Now, at the dawn of the Civil Rights Movement, Charlie is a young Black organizer in H 了解更多
原价 RM 59.95

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作者 詹姆斯·洛夫葛羅夫
福爾摩斯+克蘇魯神話 偵探推理與古典宇宙恐怖完美融合 邏輯演繹與混沌瘋狂的正面衝突 是時候,把福爾摩斯真正辦過的案子公諸於世了!——華生。   H.P.Lovecraft作品以「無以名狀的恐怖」為創作的主要基底,其故事中來自幽暗太空的詭異生物、陰森港口中的濕黏觸手,也是這位被喻為二十世紀偉大古典恐怖作家的標記。他的小說裡,少不了儘管面對無法 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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作者 H·P·洛夫克拉夫特
☆隨書贈★ 限定版《克蘇魯大宇宙》群星歸位紀念海報(55.8cm×41cm) + 「呼喚克蘇魯」無名之城專屬明信片 + 加碼 myVideo X 堡壘文化{恐怖大師H.P.Lovecraft─克蘇魯主題選影}專區限定電影序號   二十世紀最偉大的古典恐怖故事作家   史蒂芬.金、尼爾.蓋曼、喬治.馬丁、伊藤潤二創作的原點   二〇二〇年追頒雨果獎最佳系列作品   好奇心害不死 了解更多
原价 RM 67.75

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作者 H·P·洛夫克拉夫特
二十世紀最偉大的古典恐怖故事作家 史蒂芬.金、尼爾.蓋曼、喬治.馬丁、伊藤潤二創作的原點 二〇二〇年追頒雨果獎最佳系列作品   深入「克蘇魯神話」的世界,與地球神明、舊日支配者和外神正式接觸!   最知名的夢境探險家藍道夫.卡特,帶領讀者進入《死靈之書》中的異次元空間幻夢境,展開神魔交錯的黑色奇幻冒險!   要對洛夫克拉夫 了解更多
原价 RM 57.00

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作者 Kafka Asagiri
His confidence sapped by Q's mental attacks, Atsushi is captured by the Guild with the combined power of Fitzgerald and Alcott's Abilities. Now on the loose, Q targets a Guild Fellowcraft with a mysterious Ability – Lovecraft?! Meanwhile, the Guild plots to turn Yokohama into a sea of fire! To protect Yokohama, Atsushi must run like the wind! Everything changes in this action-packed volume 7! 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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作者 Sango Harukawa
The Port Mafia begins to move according to the strategy laid out by Mori Ogai. The grievously wounded Akutagawa hunts down the cleric of the Guild, Hawthorne – but why has Ogai sent Nakahara Chuya on a solo mission to track down the base of the Armed Detective Agency...?! Meanwhile, the team of Kunikida & Tanizaki initiates a frontal assault on the Guild, taking on the mind-blowing Abilities of Steinbeck and Lovecraft! The tactical strategies of the 3 organisations 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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作者 Sango Harulawa
To fight the Guild, the Armed Detective Agency and the Port Mafia must work together... Following this proposal by Atsushi, a top-level conference is held between Fukuzawa and Mori. However, as the talks naturally breaks down, Dazai infiltrates the enemy's base to retrieve Q. Sure enough, Dazai is immediately set upon by Lovecraft and Steinbeck. Then, who should make a dashing entrance but... that man?!! Dazai's wisdom, Ranpo's deduction, and Atsushi's courage will b 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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