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作者 達奈爾
「人類高雅的文化與社會,   不過是給既有的動物本性,罩上一層薄薄的外衣。   一旦開始爭奪資源與性……人類和其他野獸常常並無不同。   這些原始的動力,在歷史的各個層面無所不在 ──   從一般家庭與家族結構,到各皇室王朝竭力維持血統純正的用心……」   《人類文明》這本書,完全以生物學的角度,解析《人類大歷史》,   闡明 了解更多
原价 RM 77.00

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作者 保羅・霍爾斯 , 蘿賓・蓋比・費雪
 宜人的街坊、友善的鄰居,這裡是無數平凡百姓的家園,暗影中卻從來少不了惡人。   唯有抱持近乎著魔的執著,才能將人性淪喪的惡魔緝捕歸案。   保羅‧霍爾斯是舊金山灣區的刑事偵查員,在近三十年的職涯中,他偵辦數百件光怪陸離的凶殺案,並追捕史上最惡名昭彰的連環殺人魔金州殺手長達二十年。   在保羅的轄區內,有四座城市被FBI列 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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会员 RM 62.37 (-10%)

作者 肯恩.費雪
★出版30週年,重磅經典首度登臺★ 在金融世界的蠻荒年代,英雄與反派粉墨登場 有的如巴菲特偉大,有的如馬多夫狡猾 他們是被遺忘的金融怪傑,是當代金融史之初的華爾街之狼   ★稱霸歐洲的羅斯柴爾德家族,其勢力與財富如何間接地影響了華爾街?   ★連李佛摩都佩服的完美作手詹姆斯.基恩,命裡卻有個鬥不過的宿敵?   ★在愛因斯坦讚嘆複 了解更多
原价 RM 135.50

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会员 RM 121.95 (-10%)

作者 肯恩.費雪 , 菈菈.霍夫曼斯
投資老是賺不到錢? 肯恩・費雪為你對症下藥! 洞悉市場的富比士億萬投顧 拆穿獲利糖衣的經典之作   市場上,各路股神講得口沫橫飛,讓成千上萬投資人虔心祈禱,有天能跟著一起上天堂——然而,往往是墜落地獄的開始。人家曬單炫耀獲利千萬,你卻在飆漲時來不及上車、崩盤時腳麻跑不動。簡單的投資道理誰不懂?然而,這些每個人都知道的事,或 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

现售 RM 58.50 (-0%)

会员 RM 52.65 (-10%)

作者 肯恩·費雪
享譽全球,《富比士》最受歡迎的專欄作家 教你「識讀股市」的技藝! ◤ 90幅珍貴圖表 X 101個贏家視角養成的Know-How ◢ 掌握這支「華爾街之舞」的旋律、節奏與人性, 你就能優雅的與多空循環共舞, 預見那些──即將發生的事,以及可能不會發生的事!   ★ 90張價值連城的圖表,90個財富重分配的機會就在其中   ★ 《投資最重要的3個問題》王牌作者 了解更多
原价 RM 89.30

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会员 RM 80.37 (-10%)

Tired of being locked in a reptile house where humans gawk at them like they're monsters, a ragtag group of Australia's deadliest creatures plot a daring escape from their zoo to the Outback, a place where they'll fit in without being judged for their sacles and fangs. Leading the group is Maddie (Isla Fisher), a poisonous snake with a heart of gold, who bands together with a self- assured Thorny Devil lizard Zoe (Miranda Tapsell)... 故事以澳大利亚本土的野生动 了解更多
原价 RM 19.90

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会员 RM 17.91 (-10%)

作者 肯恩·費雪 , 菈菈·霍夫曼斯
★★★投資必看暢銷書《超級強勢股》作者肯恩.費雪的重磅作品★★★★ ★研判市場走勢逾三十年的《富比士》雜誌專欄作家★ ★《投資顧問》雜誌評選近三十年來最具影響力人士之一★   「台股破萬五,『史上最慘!』。」   「台灣經濟研究院下修,預估今年經濟成長率降至3.81%。」   「國債破6.1兆,國人平均負債升至26.4萬」   如果你總是 了解更多
原价 RM 73.90

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会员 RM 66.51 (-10%)

作者 Ernest Hemingway
The Old Man and Sea is an account of the simple life of a less successful fisherman. Santiago is shown to be pitted against the vagaries of nature since he has been unsuccessful at snaring a fish for 84 days. Even when he eventually succeeds, his efforts at showing off his spills are thwarted by sharks who strip the fish, leaving only the skeleton behind. The Old Man is the symbol of all mankind and the Sea is the force of nature that shows us how minuscule man really is the 了解更多
原价 RM 89.90

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会员 RM 22.90 (-75%)

Suatu Akta berhubung dengan perikanan, termasuk pemuliharaan, pengurusan dan pemajuan penangkapan ikan dan perikanan kelautan dan muara, di perairan perikanan Malaysia, dan pemantauan, pengawalan dan pengawasan vesel penangkapan ikan tempatan di laut lepas; dengan penyu dan penangkapan ikan di sungai dalam Malaysia; dan dengan perkara yang berkaitan atau yang bersampingan dengannya. An Act relating to fisheries, including the conservation, management and development of marit 了解更多
原价 RM 35.00

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会员 RM 31.50 (-10%)

作者 Colleen Hoover
A "sublimely creepy" psychological thriller from #1 New York Times bestselling author Colleen Hoover (Tarryn Fisher, New York Times bestselling author). Lowen Ashleigh is a struggling writer on the brink of financial ruin when she accepts the job offer of a lifetime. Jeremy Crawford, husband of bestselling author Verity Crawford, has hired Lowen to complete the remaining books in a successful series his injured wife is unable to finish. Lowen arrives at the Crawford hom 了解更多
原价 RM 89.90

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会员 RM 80.91 (-10%)

作者 Matthew S. Friedman
There are more slaves in the world today than any other time in history. Enter the world of human trafficking and explore what we can do together to end this global crime. Where Were You?: A Profile of Modern Slavery by Matthew Friedman provides an up-to-date overview of human trafficking, a largely ignored present-day evil, and recounts true stories of enslavement in Asia today. Former United Nations and USAID expert Matthew Friedman obtained in-depth first-hand knowledge w 了解更多
原价 RM 74.95

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会员 RM 67.46 (-10%)

作者 艾德加·羅倫斯·史密斯
巴菲特:這本輕薄的小書改變了投資世界。 ──奠定股票複利觀念的唯一經典──   投資工具琳瑯滿目,為什麼要選股票?   華爾街史上最具遠見的分析師,   幫助投資人洞悉股債的長期投資價值,   見證80多年,股市的財富成長效應!   「史密斯啟動了一道趨勢,從根本上改變股票與債券的相對需求。」──歐文‧費雪(Irving Fisher),美國知 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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会员 RM 52.65 (-10%)

作者 David Giroux
Generate double-digit returns and seize the competitive edge with smart, savvy capital allocation The strategic deployment of capital is one of the most effective ways to create long-term value. But how much do you know about what your organization spends capital on or the timing of that capital deployment? This kind of knowledge can make the difference between organizational success and failure. Capital Allocation provides the tools, processes, strategies, and insights you 了解更多
原价 RM 231.00

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会员 RM 207.90 (-10%)

作者 Black Ink
Hey there, readers! The inaugural 2020 Animal Olympics are about to begin! To keep your brains buzzing, Dr. Darwin has set up some scintillating sporting spectacles, including marlin VS Swordfish in a swim to the finish! Spitting cobra VS archer fish to determine deadliest accuracy! It's canine VS feline as the fisher cat goes totally tabular with the golden retriever for the title of surfing supremo! Will the favorites game plan go to plan? Or will they upset the odds? 了解更多
原价 RM 12.00

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会员 RM 10.80 (-10%)

作者 羅傑‧費雪 , 艾倫‧夏普
意見分歧衝突不斷、會議冗長無共識、進度嚴重拖延…… 為什麼與他人一起工作這麼難? 為什麼有些團隊就是比其他團隊配合的好? 為什麼有些人不是主管,卻能讓大家聽從安排,齊心協力? 你如何成為這樣的人?你該怎麼做?   哈佛法學院談判溝通專家40年經驗淬煉,   為不是主管的你訂製的領導力課程!   三個步驟╳五大工作要素╳三種策 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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会员 RM 52.65 (-10%)

Be Careful What You Wish For, the fourth instalment in Jeffrey Archer's The Clifton Chronicles, opens with Harry Clifton and his wife Emma rushing to hospital to learn the fate of their son Sebastian, who has been involved in a fatal car accident. But who died, Sebastian or his best friend Bruno? When Ross Buchanan is forced to resign as chairman of the Barrington Shipping Company, Emma Clifton wants to replace him. But Don Pedro Martinez intends to install his puppet, the e 了解更多
原价 RM 65.90

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会员 RM 59.31 (-10%)

作者 Anne McNulty , Eriko Sato
A great story can lead a reader on a journey of discovery—especially if it's presented in two languages! Beautifully illustrated in a traditional style, Japanese Stories for Language Learners offers five compelling stories with English and Japanese language versions appearing on facing pages. Taking learners on an exciting cultural and linguistic journey, each story is followed by detailed translator's notes, Japanese vocabulary lists, and grammar points al 了解更多
原价 RM 69.00

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会员 RM 62.10 (-10%)

作者 沈昶甫
文具是呈現想法的媒介,不認真看待不行! 文具的誕生,始於人對書寫與創造的渴求 揭開文具小史,以及各品牌的研發與演化故事, 原來小小的文具,蘊藏了如此深厚的進程。   【文具病】部落格主持人、【直物生活文具】創辦人、文具收藏家Tiger集結三十幾年的藏物心血,帶你深入品味細細推敲精典物件的魅力!   文具不只是日常配件,也是文化演進 了解更多
原价 RM 55.45

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会员 RM 49.91 (-10%)

作者 Charles Taylor , Kingfisher Books
原价 RM 119.70

现售 RM 119.70 (-0%)

会员 RM 107.73 (-10%)

作者 菲利普‧費雪
影響無數投資人的經典之作 第一部登上《紐約時報》暢銷書排行榜的投資著作   費雪提出尋找優良股的十五項要點,無論是針對國內外股票、成長型或價值型股票,投資目標從上市公司到私有企業,無論規模大小——這套原則全都一體適用。   本書問世至今,歷經半世紀以上的時間考驗,深深影響無數投資人   書中所展現的投資哲學,屬於非常 了解更多
原价 RM 60.10

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会员 RM 54.09 (-10%)

作者 Jenny Han
The heart-wrenching final part in the bestselling The Summer I Turned Pretty Series, perfect for fans of the Netflix smash-hit movies To All The Boys I've Loved Before and The Kissing Booth!One girl. Two boys. The biggest decision of her life . . .Just when Isabel thinks she had everything mapped out, life proves that when it comes to love, you can never have all the answer 了解更多
原价 RM 59.00

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作者 Jenny Han
Can Belly make a final choice between Jeremiah and Conrad? Find out in the conclusion of the New York Times bestselling The Summer I Turned Pretty trilogy from the author of To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before. Belly has only ever been in love with two boys, both with the last name Fisher. And after being with Jeremiah for the last two years, she’s almost positive he is her soul mate. Almost. While Conrad has not gotten over the mistake of letting Belly go, Jeremiah has 了解更多
原价 RM 65.90

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会员 RM 59.31 (-10%)

作者 Jenny Han
From the author of To All The Boys I've Loved Before (now a smash-hit Netflix movie), this is the perfect funny summer romance for fans of The Kissing Booth and Holly Bourne. One girl. Two boys. And the summer that changed everything . . . Every year Isabel spends a perfect summer at her favourite place in the world - the Fisher family's beach house. It has everything a girl could want: a swimming pool, a private stretch of sandy beach... and two (very cute) boys: Unavai 了解更多
原价 RM 59.00

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作者 Roger Fisher , William L. Ury and Bruce Patton
The key text on problem-solving negotiation-updated and revised Getting to Yes has helped millions of people learn a better way to negotiate. One of the primary business texts of the modern era, it is based on the work of the Harvard Negotiation Project, a group that deals with all levels of negotiation and conflict resolution. Getting to Yes offers a proven, step-by-step strategy for coming to mutually acceptable agreements in every sort of conflict. Thoroughly updated 了解更多
原价 RM 56.50

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