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作者 Freida McFadden 
“You must be our new neighbors!” Mrs. Lowell gushes and waves across the picket fence. I clutch my daughter’s hand and smile back: but the second Mrs. Lowell sees my husband a strange expression crosses her face. In that moment I make a promise. We finally have a family home. My past is far, far behind us. And I’ll do anything to keep it that way… I used to clean other people’s houses—now, I can’t believe this home is actually mine. The charming kitchen, the 了解更多
原价 RM 64.95

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作者 Bardugo Leigh 
From the New York Times bestselling author of Ninth House, Hell Bent, and creator of the Grishaverse series comes a highly anticipated historical fantasy set during the Spanish Golden Age In a shabby house, on a shabby street, in the new capital of Madrid, Luzia Cotado uses scraps of magic to get through her days of endless toil as a scullion. But when her scheming mistress discovers the lump of a servant cowering in the kitchen is actually hiding a talent for little miracle 了解更多
原价 RM 99.95

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作者 李承澳
一位平凡的十五岁少女,李芷宁突然被奇怪生物盯上,遭受袭击。 危难之际,同学郑飞然和吴天亮使用超出常人认知的神秘力量解救了她,并自称为“世界术”的使用者。随着他们为李芷宁进行保护工作,一场以李芷宁为中心的攻防战正式打响。与此同时,奇怪生物与动机不良的人类勾结,势要将李芷宁抢夺到手,各怀鬼胎的两股势力也为事情带来更多不可测 了解更多
原价 RM 25.00

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作者 黃仁宇
影響深遠、跨時代的大歷史啟蒙 一代歷史學者黃仁宇經典之作 萬曆十五年,西元1587年,一個無關緊要的年分, 卻呈現帝國走向喪敗的癥結,也是黃仁宇旋風的起點。   兼具文學性與大歷史觀的經典之作   《萬曆十五年》是史家黃仁宇最著名、流傳最廣的著作,也是他大歷史觀主張的宏觀展現,一面探討歷史,一面檢討近代中國的處境,見微知著,從零 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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作者 馬愷文
\ 大吉大利,今晚吃雞! / 一個橫掃賭場與商業世界的數學小子, 如何活用「機率思考」, 為自己贏得財富、機會與人生?   ★ 華裔數學天才馬愷文,首次公開數據運用的技術,內容涵蓋21點算牌策略、商業決策到人生規劃……   ★ 第一本教你「聰明」登上金字塔頂端的贏家指引:人生贏家都是機率贏家★ 絕無冷場!結合牌桌智慧及人性觀察,精彩 了解更多
原价 RM 73.90

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作者 張達偉
你所焦慮的聊天困擾,這裡有解! \總算能想聊就聊、想停就停,再也不怕要勉強尬聊了!/ ──近10,000名社交苦手實證有效! 跟著全美超人氣對話技巧講師,掌握完美聊天的關鍵鐵則: 開啟對話→引起共鳴→留好印象 15堂人際溝通課x 60個對話必備心法x 30天全方位閒聊指引 輕鬆打造社交自信,讓聊天不只是交換資訊, 更能產生深刻連結!   這本書是寫 了解更多
原价 RM 61.60

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作者 Geronimo Stilton
While on assignment in Chichén Itzà, Thea goes missing along with an ancient Mayan necklace. Geronimo is on the case to find them. 了解更多
原价 RM 31.90

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· 课本单元 · 简明笔记 · 贴切例句 · 实用练习 · 含有注释 · 汉语拼音 · 附加典故 · 精美图画 了解更多
原价 RM 14.90

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作者 David J. Lieberman , Ph.D.
Have you ever wished you could peer into someone’s mind to find out what he or she is really thinking? Now you can . . . really. This book is not a collection of recycled ideas about body language. It does not suggest that a woman’s hairstyle will give us unprecedented access into her soul, neither does it draw wildly ambiguous generalities about people based on our intuition or gut instinct, nor does it reach conclusions based on how she folds her hands or he ties his sh 了解更多
原价 RM 55.00

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作者 Jeff C.
 ●11萬粉絲引頸期待!耶魯大學高材生帶你一窺法國、日本、香港、美國不可言說的職場文化!   ●圖文作家&Podcast主持人 Vito大叔、資深日本顧問 福澤喬、T1籃球大聯盟副會長 劉奕成 齊聲推薦   在法國,找工作時讓面試官一見鍾情,勝過擁有超完美履歷;   在日本,讀懂空氣是職場求生的必備技能;   在香港,加班加好加滿是日常,享受生活 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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作者 Michelle Obama
#1 NEW YORK TIMES AND USA TODAY BESTSELLER • In an inspiring follow-up to her acclaimed memoir Becoming, former First Lady Michelle Obama shares practical wisdom and powerful strategies for staying hopeful and balanced in today’s highly uncertain world. There may be no tidy solutions or pithy answers to life’s big challenges, but Michelle Obama believes that we can all locate and lean on a set of tools to help us better navigate change and remain steady within flux. I 了解更多
原价 RM 84.50

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Heaven Official's Blessing 天官賜福 Season 1+2 MAN/ENG/JAP(S1+SP) MAN/ENG(S2) E / C The heavens shake, the thunder rumbles, and Xie Lian appears with an apologetic smile—again! Eight hundred years prior, he was a beloved martial god, known as the Crown Prince of Xianle. Now, he ascends to the heavenly realm for the third time, but simply as a pitiful scrap-collecting god with no followers behind him. On his first mission, Xie Lian finds himself alone in the dark moonl 了解更多
原价 RM 49.90

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作者 李国权
终极战役!奥文是最后的赢家? 奥文设局将三大帮派困在山洞里,试图让他们长眠于此!静野与大飞拼尽全力,誓要阻止这场悲剧,却在寻找查尔斯的途中,遇上战斗袋鼠拦路!炸弹已进入倒计时,奇迹会出现吗?生死悬于一线,大家是否能够顺利脱险呢? 了解更多
原价 RM 16.00

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作者 Jeffrey Archer
24 hours to stop the crime of the century The race against time is about to begin… THE TOWER OF LONDON… Impenetrable. Well protected. Secure. Home to the most valuable jewels on earth. But once a year, the Metropolitan Police must execute the most secret operation in their armoury when they transport the Crown Jewels across London. SCOTLAND YARD… For four years, Chief Superindendent William Warwick – together with his second-in-command Inspector Ross Hogan – has 了解更多
原价 RM 52.00

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作曲的保研大学生顾声(周也饰),即便默默无闻仍旧努力创作,她最大的心愿就是和知名配音演员莫青成(檀健次饰)合作。没想到一次意外的“声音”偶遇,莫青成给她念了一段食谱,挑动了顾声心弦。莫青成十年前和好友一起创办了完美配音社团,为配音献出了热情,而他同时也是一名心外科医生,专注于治病救人。顾声受邀参加闺蜜庚晓幸(杨肸子饰) 了解更多
原价 RM 129.90

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作者 老包 , 舞菇 , Jeff Chen
自助免驚,行家在地導遊!   三位專家聯手出擊   資訊全面更新,Step byStep詳解教學   噴射快艇、高空彈跳、羊駝同樂、冰河探險   12條路線規畫,每日行程跟著走   附贈全路線地圖,立即掌握各行程的銜接點   ★背包客棧紐西蘭達人——老包★   ★《紐西蘭旅行家》作者——舞菇★   ★定居紐西蘭二十餘年的登山愛好者——Jeff Chen★   了解更多
原价 RM 77.00

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20世纪70年代末的北京城,5个年轻人在什刹海冰场不期而遇。大院子弟肖春生痞气聪慧、潇洒不羁,叶国华慷慨仗义,陈宏军木讷好学,贺红玲美丽傲娇,佟晓梅温柔娴 静。不久后,陈宏军考上大学,其余四人则在军营重聚, 他们都憧憬着能在部队建功立业、报效国家。一次执行特殊任务时,肖春生替叶国华排雷导致受伤,不得不提前退伍回京治疗。在佟晓梅 了解更多
原价 RM 149.90

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司清(卢洋洋饰)20岁生日时,花光了准备庆祝生日的所有积蓄,拍下了景琛(陈鑫海饰)的毕业作品“冬至”。只因“冬至”中父母相伴的烟火色,是她曾经作为留守儿童时最大的渴望。司清在充满虚荣和负能量的大都市打拼,而景琛在慢节奏的乡野为那些即将消逝的传统手工艺,寻求一条能适应这个时代的生存之路。两人的习惯、三观和追求都截然相反,最 了解更多
原价 RM 69.90

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津海市国安局侦察科科长高天阳(韩庚 饰)发现境外情报组织“夜雾”开发了一款名叫“特工任务”的游戏,他们利用玩家在未知情况下暗中开展间谍活动,甚至与高天阳一起长大的弟弟黄子诚(魏大勋 饰)竟也深陷特工游戏之中。黄子诚在游戏的过程中,邂逅了搭档姚瑶(李一桐 饰),两人共同度过一段游戏之旅。正当黄子诚情愫渐生之时,意外发现自己和 了解更多
原价 RM 129.90

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1940年的上海,代号梅花四的中共地下党员陈家平执行任务时,在险些暴露的紧急关头,与曾经的未婚妻左双桃偶遇。此时的左双桃已经是国民党军统特工,执行刺杀任务失败,也在寻找脱困办法。彼此不知道对方特工身份的陈家平和左双桃凭借当年的默契应对日本人的严密盘查,最终以情侣身份惊险过关。日本人出于对伪装情侣的怀疑,随即逼迫陈家平和左双 了解更多
原价 RM 129.90

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三对“三十而立”正值“青年危机”的都市男女携手走出生活困境努力实现自我的现实主义都市爱情剧。互联网创业者许耀迎来成功曙光后与换了职场开始新人生的前妻余佳恩因项目合作产生新交集。两人在工作上相互助力,在生活上因李念欢、张清、郝辰时等亲友的事业、情感的纠葛日益靠近而再度相爱。余佳恩的室友兼上司张清正站在事业转折点,恐婚且坚 了解更多
原价 RM 149.90

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作者 傑夫瑞.M. 許瓦茲 , 比佛莉.貝耶
不是我想這麼做, 是我的強迫症逼我的。   .一直買一直買一直買   .全年無休拔頭髮、咬指甲   .一個人嗑掉整桶冰淇淋,明知不對   .重度沉迷在性行為、藥物,不能停止   .永遠擔心今天穿著不當,懷疑別人用異樣眼光看我   本書率先提出可以由自己施行、可以幫助自己與他人的4個簡易步驟,有效對抗強迫的意念與強迫的行為。   了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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作者 莫內廚房
IG、Twitter人氣創作者.莫內廚房 週末開飯啦! 身為竹科工程師,將國外出差所嘗到的美食,集結食譜成冊, 在台灣也能煮出美味異國料理! ※ 特點1: 食譜重新演繹,台灣人也能煮出道地的世界美食 ※ 特點2: 營養師X侍酒師X肉舖老闆,建立既健康、又有儀式感的用餐體驗 ※ 特點3: 提供食材、調味料購買建議,不怕找不到! 上班累得像條狗,假日更要好好 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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JISULIFE FA40A OCTOPUS TRIPOD FAN ●【Ultra Portable】This fan can be freely fixed to any place with support, so you can use it anywhere you want, such as bedroom, kitchen or stroller. ●【Better for Babies】Reduced grille gap makes it impossible for babies to insert their fingers into the fan without getting hurt. Silicone stand, firm and stable. The baby cannot move the fan, so it is very safe and secure. ●【Silent work】Brushless motor is adopted, and the work 了解更多
原价 RM 79.00

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JISULIFE FA40A OCTOPUS TRIPOD FAN ●【Ultra Portable】This fan can be freely fixed to any place with support, so you can use it anywhere you want, such as bedroom, kitchen or stroller. ●【Better for Babies】Reduced grille gap makes it impossible for babies to insert their fingers into the fan without getting hurt. Silicone stand, firm and stable. The baby cannot move the fan, so it is very safe and secure. ●【Silent work】Brushless motor is adopted, and the work 了解更多
原价 RM 79.00

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作者 約亨・古奇 , 馬克西姆・萊奧
★博客來當月選書★ 沒頭沒尾,香腸就不是香腸了, 生命也就不是生命了。   ★一出版,即席捲德國《明鏡周刊》暢銷榜TOP 10!   ★專文感動推薦──作家 Emily Chan、閱讀推廣人 李貞慧、作家 柯采岑、臨床心理師 蘇益賢   ★書店人員齊聲好評──大眾國際書局、三餘書店、金石堂、梓書房、博客來、誠品書店   ★亞馬遜、goodreads 4星好評,千 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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作者 Lincoln Peirce
"Fantastic! I loved it!" -DAV PILKEY, New York Times bestselling author of the DOG MAN series "Max is epic fun!" -JEFF KINNEY, New York Times bestselling author of the DIARY OF A WIMPY KID series Max wants to be a knight! Too bad that dream is about as likely as making friends with a fire-breathing dragon. But when unlucky Uncle Budrick is kidnapped by the cruel King Gastley, Max has to act--and fast! Joined by a band of brave adventurers--the Midknights--Max sets out on 了解更多
原价 RM 56.95

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作者  Professor Brian Cox
At the heart of the Milky Way lies a supermassive black hole 4 million times more massive than our Sun. A place where space and time are so warped that light is trapped if it ventures within 12 million km. According to Einstein, inside lies the end of time. According to 21st-century physics, the reality may be far more bizarre. Black holes lie where the most massive stars used to shine and at the edge of our current understanding. They are naturally occurring objects, the in 了解更多
原价 RM 69.95

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作者 Dr. Bonnie Hayden Cheng
The foundation of great leadership is kindness The world needs leaders who have the strength to be kind. The Return on Kindness challenges companies to set a higher bar and reimagine what great leadership looks like. Kindness isn’t what you think it is. Kind leaders, far from being soft or weak, are caring and tough. The Return on Kindness makes a compelling, evidence-based case for why kind leadership is good for business and how kind leaders create value through prioritiz 了解更多
原价 RM 101.50

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作者 Lorenzo Alison Cohen ,  Alison Jefferies
An essential guide to optimising your immunity and feeling your best - all year round Thousands of us are struck down by colds, flu and other viruses every year. We know we should be taking steps to look after our immune system every day, but beyond taking vitamin C and getting a good night's sleep it's often difficult to know where to start. In How to Stay Healthy, registered nutritionist Jenna Hope provides an easy-to-follow guide that will show you the steps you need to 了解更多
原价 RM 149.90

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好好休息 該是時候好好休息了吧。 在每個疲憊不堪的瞬間,心底總會響起這句話,多數時候,我們被時間追著跑,被各種接踵而來的壓力壓得喘不過氣,在時間的死線前,在紛亂吵雜的社群媒體前,我們彷彿是被強迫發言的動物。 是時候靜一靜了吧。疫情三年,不可思議地讓世界停了下來,該是慶祝的節日,熱鬧的東京、臺北、倫敦、紐約街頭竟悄然無 了解更多
原价 RM 38.00

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作者 Chen Qiao Rong , Qiao Meow
Jika kata-kata sukar diluahkan, gunakan saja bahasa kucing. Di dalam sebuah kelas tahun tiga,ada seorang gadis yang tak pandai bersosial bernama Wu Xiao Rong. Dia ralit melihat rambut gaya ekor kuda milik si gadis comel bernama Tong Ke Wei yang duduk di depannya. Entah macam mana Xiao Rong terpegang lalu tertarik rambut Ke Wei. Biarpun berbeza personaliti, mereka mula berkawan rapat.Gemar lukis komik bersama-sama dan menggunakan bahasa kucing untuk luahkan perkataan yang tak 了解更多
原价 RM 17.00

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作者 Carmine Gallo
From the bestselling author of Talk Like TED, renowned communications coach Carmine Gallo reveals the leadership secrets of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos – and gives you the tools to master them yourself. Jeff Bezos built Amazon. A dreamer who turned a bold idea into the world’s most influential company, a brand that likely touches your life every day. As a student of leadership and communication, he learned to elevate the way Amazonians write, collaborate, innovate, pitch a 了解更多
原价 RM 74.90

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一年365天,除了天天都有人過生日外,還有許多場合、節日都必須送禮,身為手作人,你是否也想過把自己的作品當成禮物送給親朋好友,表達祝福之意呢?這真的是件非常有意義的事,一來可以滿足個人對手作的喜愛,二來可以將注入了滿滿心意的作品送給朋友,相信收到禮物的人一定特別感動!   為此在《簡單玩布fun手作3》一書中,特別以「禮物」為 了解更多
原价 RM 73.90

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作者 TK Dong
A warm, nutritious and delicious meal is the best reward after a hard day’s work. However, the thought of a hot kitchen, sweating while cooking, and a greasy kitchen after cooking can discourage many people from cooking. Based on the principles of smoke-free and easy cleanup, this cookbook shows you clever ways of using various small cooking appliances, including rice cooker, oven, steamer, air-fryer, pressure cooker, and electric double-boiler to effortlessly cook a delic 了解更多
原价 RM 28.50

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作者 Jeff Kinney
In No Brainer, book 18 of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series from #1 international bestselling author Jeff Kinney, it's up to Greg to save his crumbling school before it's shuttered for good. Up until now, middle school hasn't exactly been a joyride for Greg Heffley. So when the town threatens to close the crumbling building, he's not too broken up about it. But when Greg realizes this means he's going to be sent to a different school than his best friend, Rowley Jefferson 了解更多
原价 RM 69.95

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作者 松浦彌太郎
「能夠冒險,不怕迷路。就是所謂的大人。」 一本寫給大人中途的備忘錄, 探討關於—— 工作、朋友、傳達、財務、嗜好、時尚、創新等人生課題。   「沒有任何累贅,刪減之後剩下的最低限度的東西,才能夠昂然挺立。」——松浦彌太郎   突破人生五十大關的松浦彌太郎,仍然一如往常地   追求新工作、新環境,並且展開新的冒險。   或 了解更多
原价 RM 46.20

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作者 木星齋主
 1、 這是一本最容易上手的玄空陽宅風水入門書籍。對入門新手而言輕鬆易懂,進階讀者讀了更能功力倍增。   2、 九運玄空挨星大卦傾囊相授,您也可以學會自己來佈局。   3、 配合YouTube搜尋【玄空大卦cheng jenifer】相關影片解說,更能讓您心領神會。   4、 玄空四賦典籍彙整,白話文深入淺說,案例說明內容全面,讓您很快就能一窺堂奧,掌握要領 了解更多
原价 RM 135.50

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作者 Jeff Kinney
In Diper Överlöde, book 17 of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series from #1 international bestselling author Jeff Kinney, Greg Heffley is finding out that the road to fame and glory comes with some hard knocks. When he decides to tag along with his brother Rodrick's band, Löded Diper, Greg doesn't realize what he's getting into. But he soon learns that late nights, unpaid gigs, fighting between band members, and money troubles are all part of the rock 'n' roll lifestyle. Can G 了解更多
原价 RM 39.95

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作者 Ashlee Vance
With the launch of the Falcon 1 rocket in 2008, Elon Musk’s SpaceX became the first private company to build a low-cost rocket that could reach orbit. And that milestone carried major implications: Silicon Valley, not NASA or nation states, was suddenly cemented as the epicenter of the new Space Age. Start-ups and the wealthy investors behind them began to realize that the universe—ungoverned and infinite—was open for business. Welcome to the Wild West of aerospace engi 了解更多
原价 RM 89.95

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Based on real events that occurred in 2007 dubbed the "Heuksapa Incident", the story follows a turf war that grows between a local gang that runs Garibong-dong in Guro District, Seoul and the Heuksapa gang from Yanbian, China; the police are called in to attempt to bring peace to the neighboardhood. Jang Chen (Yoon Kye-Sang) came from China and now works as a loan shark in a seedy Chinatown area of Seoul. He's backed up by his bloodthirsty henchmen Wei Sung-Rak *Jin Seon-Kyu) 了解更多
原价 RM 29.90

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作者 李国权
矛盾不断升级,热血激战即将爆发! 瓜拉党勾结金鹤帮与巨鲨帮,密谋对付欧文。 奈何欧文早已洞察其中,派人潜入暗中投毒。 在静野的帮助下,大飞及时将解药送到,却因不想暴露身份而被丢到狮子平原,还不幸掉入河马群的地盘…… 了解更多
原价 RM 14.00

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作者 Kelly Creagh
A steamy YA romance inspired by Gaston Leroux’s classic The Phantom of the Opera Seventeen-year-old Stephanie Armand doesn’t believe in ghosts or spirits. Despite her six-year-old sister insisting a masked figure is hiding in her closet, and the rumors at school, Stephanie isn’t convinced her father’s latest renovation project–a crumbling Victorian mansion–houses the soul of a monster. So when the very charming (and paranormal-obsessed) Lucas Cheney takes an inte 了解更多
原价 RM 64.95

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作者 Kelly Yang
The Devil Wears Prada meets Far from the Tree in #1 New York Times bestselling author Kelly Yang’s powerful love story about two teens searching for their place in the world. Serene dreams of making couture dresses even more stunning than her mom’s, but for now she’s an intern at her mom’s fashion label. When her mom receives a sudden diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, all that changes. Serene has to take over her mother’s business overnight while trying to figure out 了解更多
原价 RM 59.95

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会员 RM 53.96 (-10%)

作者 杰夫·金尼
主人公格雷是个不怎么起眼的初中小屁孩,他有那么一点小聪明,天生爱玩,希望通过自己满脑子的鬼点子吸引大家的眼球,因此屡屡闯祸,笑料百出。 虽然从小就想成为名人,但是随着格雷逐渐长大,他发觉名人的“副作用”让人难以接受,于是他决定成为名人的亲戚,而他的哥哥罗德里克正好有一个乐队。为了成就梦想,罗德里克带领乐队成员与格雷一起 了解更多
原价 RM 29.00

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会员 RM 26.10 (-10%)

作者 杰夫·金尼
主人公格雷是个不怎么起眼的初中小屁孩,他有那么一点小聪明,天生爱玩,希望通过自己满脑子的鬼点子吸引大家的眼球,因此屡屡闯祸,笑料百出。 新书中,经历过酒吧演出失败的水不湿乐队绞尽脑汁要赢得“乐队之战”比赛的冠军,一举成名。为此,他们还去找已经解散的偶像乐队金属吉娃娃取经。乐队成员比尔因为不堪忍受罗德里克的魔鬼排练,转投 了解更多
原价 RM 29.00

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The album comes with: 1 Poster Cover 4 Postcards 4 Stickers (Random 4 out of 9) 1 Photocard (Random 1 out of 7) *Subject to actual product content 了解更多
原价 RM 104.90

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作者 金智慧
在這裡,星光和輕風都駐足停留,剛煮好的飯菜香與書香流淌在空氣裡。 一本書、一杯咖啡、一窗美景、一個好好入睡的夜晚, 來這裡享受人生難得的暫停時光。 ── 森林裡的小療癒,昭陽里小書廚房,即刻開張 ── ★ 韓國2022年療癒小說No.1,累印突破50刷 ★ ★ 一出版就登上BestSeller暢銷榜,讀者票選第一名 ★ ★ 韓國知名插畫家Banzisu,繼《不便利的便利 了解更多
原价 RM 61.60

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会员 RM 55.44 (-10%)

作者 馬克·奇斯勒
\美國亞馬遜藝術類暢銷書《一枝鉛筆就能畫1》最新系列作!/ ★百萬人的第一門畫畫課★ /最受世界各地大小朋友歡迎的25堂奇想天開教學\   ●從0延伸∞創意,開啟屬於自己的奇幻冒險   ●掌握12條關鍵繪畫法則,跟隨步驟自然學會   ●沉浸30分鐘畫畫時光,培養專注和感受的能力   「我的一位十歲諮商個案對我說:『傑佛瑞醫生,畫出這些 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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会员 RM 52.65 (-10%)

作者 Freida McFadden 
WINNER OF THE GOODREADS AWARD FOR BEST CRIME AND THRILLER 2023 As he continues showing me their incredible penthouse apartment, I have a terrible feeling about the woman behind closed doors. But I can't risk losing this job - not if I want to keep my darkest secret safe . . . It's hard to find an employer who doesn't ask too many questions about my past. So I thank my lucky stars that the Garricks miraculously give me a job, cleaning their stunning penthouse with views acr 了解更多
原价 RM 59.90

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作者 Sebastian Mallaby
From an award-winning financial historian comes the gripping, character-driven story of venture capital and the world it made Innovations rarely come from "experts." Jeff Bezos was not a bookseller; Elon Musk was not in the auto industry. When it comes to innovation, a legendary venture capitalist told Sebastian Mallaby, the future cannot be predicted, it can only be discovered. Most attempts at discovery fail, but a few succeed at such a scale that they more than make up fo 了解更多
原价 RM 82.00

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作者 范俊奇
《鏤空與浮雕III》分二輯,收入三十篇文章。范俊奇(Fabian Fom)以剔透心眼化作文字,書寫名人的歷程,他們發光和沈寂的時刻。 輯一:最是烟火靜默時,寫二十位演藝界明星、 導演:周星馳 Stephen Chow、尊龍 John Lone、鞏俐 Gong Li、湯唯 Tang Wei、楊惠姍 Loretta Hui-shan Yang、胡因夢 TerryHu、陳昇 Bobby Chen、李宗盛 Jonathan Lee、莫文蔚 Karen Joy Morris、黎明 Leon Lai、陳凱 了解更多
原价 RM 62.00

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作者 Jeff Hamz
”Aku turun dari kereta. Aku perlu siasat apa sebenarnya bunyi pelik di atas bumbung yang mengganggu pemanduanku. Namun baru sahaja kakiku memijak jalan tar, mataku ternampak satu objek putih terbujur di atas bumbung kereta. Seraut wajah pucat bergaun putih memandangku dengan pandangan kosong. Rambutnya sungguh panjang menutup separuh bahu dan muka. Ketika mata kami bertembung, aku terlihat tangannya bergerak. Kukunya sepanjang kira-kira 6 sentimeter itu terketar-ketar cuba 了解更多
原价 RM 38.00

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作者 尊孔独中校讯组
“她依然在那儿,承载着几代人的脚印,封存着几代人的记忆。” 茨厂街社区,位于吉隆坡市的心脏地段,泛指毗邻茨厂街(Jalan Petaling)的苏丹街(Jalan Sultan)、敦李孝式路(Jalan Tun H. S. Lee)、戏院街(Jalan Panggung)、敦陈祯禄路(Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lock)等街区。这个拥有百年历史的老社区,见证了吉隆坡历代的兴衰更迭。 尊孔独立中学,紧挨着茨厂街而建, 了解更多
原价 RM 29.90

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作者 Davinia Taylor
Sleep better thanks to cherries Fix your brain fog with good fats Improve your metabolism with brazil nuts When we talk about hormones, we so often think of them as a 'women's issue'. But our hormones regulate everything from our sleep, to the way we eat, our stress response and our moods. In Hack Your Hormones Davinia Taylor, entrepreneur and biohacking pioneer, breaks down how best to optimise all of our hormones. Davinia gives symptom-led advice, backed up with the exper 了解更多
原价 RM 99.90

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作者 Christina Lauren
The True Love Experiment, the next escapist romance from Christina Lauren, New York Times bestselling author of TikTok favourite, The Unhoneymooners, is the book their fans have been waiting for, ever since Fizzy's debut in The Soulmate Equation! 'My favourite kind of book to devour: something that manages to be hot and intense, yet still the very best comfort food' JODI PICOULT ............... They're crafting the perfect Hollywood romance for the screen. But the chemistry 了解更多
原价 RM 59.90

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北宋年间, 丐帮帮主乔峰英雄侠义, 受武林拥戴, 却突遭指认为契丹人而众叛亲离。追寻身世,寻找仇人途中, 乔峰与慕容家婢女阿朱相识相知, 情愫互生。二人历经聚贤庄,雁门关,镜湖风波,直至阿朱因马夫人设计被乔峰错杀,乔峰终查出一切皆是慕容复为复辟燕国的阴谋,乔峰手刃慕容复,随后带着阿朱的遗愿孤身前往塞外。 During the Northern Song Dynasty, Qia 了解更多
原价 RM 21.90

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作者 Lisa Jewell
PREPARE TO BE HOOKED . . . * #1 UK SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER * * A NEW YORK TIMES BSETSELLER * * OVER 2,000 5 STAR REVIEWS * 'I was ENTHRALLED. Empathetic, gripping, authentic' Gillian McAllister 'A GRIPPING read. Superb!' Shari Lapena 'Fast-paced, cleverly plotted. GRIPS from first page to last' Paula Hawkins 'Artful, slippery, HUGELY SATISFYING. A rare treat awaits!' Louise Candlish 'The story EVERYONE has been waiting for.' Adele Parks ___________ LONDON. Early morning, J 了解更多
原价 RM 65.90

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作者 Kirstin Chen
HUSTLERS meets BIG LITTLE LIES in the heist of the summer... A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER 'Propulsive and captivating' Vogue 'Darkly comedic' Daily Mail Meet Ava: rule-abiding lawyer who has ticked all of life's boxes. She's married to a successful surgeon and has just taken an indefinite career break to raise her adorable toddler. A picture-perfect life. Meet Winnie: Ava's old college roommate. Once awkward, quiet and apparently academically challenged, she left Stanf 了解更多
原价 RM 62.95

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作者 Jeffrey Archer
"Only someone like Jeffrey Archer . . . could have written a compelling story like this. Every page bristles with suspense and the ending comes at you with the force of a tank round"-DAVID BALDACCI THE UNPUTDOWNABLE NEW THRILLER FROM THE MASTER STORYTELLER 'Only someone like Jeffrey Archer . . . could have written a compelling story like this. Every page bristles with suspense and the ending comes at you with the force of a tank round' DAVID BALDACCI London, 1988. Ro 了解更多
原价 RM 48.00

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